July 2021 - Agri Info

Education News, Employment News in tamil

July 30, 2021

Agricultural ministry said Indian government aims to create a national database of farmers

July 30, 2021 0
Agricultural ministry said Indian government aims to create a national database of farmers

 Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on Friday (30.07.2021) said the government aims to create a national database of farmers and is also in the process of bringing out a data policy for the farm sector. In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha, Tomar said, "The government aims to create a federated National Farmers Database and the digitised land records will be used as data attributes for creating this database. To bring dynamism to the farmer's database, the linkage with digital land record management system is essential."

As of now, he said, the federated farmers' database is being built by taking the publicly available data as existing in the Department of Agriculture and in various data silos in government and linking them with the digitised land records.

"This Department...in consultation with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is in the process of bringing out a data policy for the agriculture sector," Tomar said.

The database is envisaged to facilitate online single sign on facilities for universal access and usher in personalised services to farmers such as direct benefit transfer, soil and plant health advisories, weather advisories, irrigation facilities, and seamless credit and insurance facilities.

It will also provide information pertaining to seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, nearby logistic facilities, market access information and peer to peer lending of farm equipment, among others.

"The aim is to increase farmers' income by leveraging the available data and developing solutions based on the data so that the input costs are reduced, ease of farming is ensured, quality is improved and farmers get better price for their farm produce," Tomar said.

The Unified Farmers Service Interface/Agristack will have a data exchange which would bring in all data related to agriculture sector in a federated platform with the federated farmers database as its core.

In order to create UFSI/Agristack, the department is in the process of finalising 'India Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture (IDEA)' which will lay down a framework for the digital agriculture sector in the country.

"A Task Force has been constituted and in furtherance, a concept paper on IDEA has already been floated for comments from the general public not only through department's website but also through emails especially to subject matter specialists, agro-industry, farmers, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)," Tomar said.

The IDEA would help in laying down the architecture for the Agristack in the country and that would serve as a foundation to build innovative agri-focused solutions leveraging emerging technologies, the minister added.

July 27, 2021

Mobile App Platform for Farm Machinery Solution- FARMS Mobile App By Government of India

July 27, 2021 0
 Mobile App Platform for Farm Machinery Solution- FARMS Mobile App By Government of India
This Multi-language Mobile App platform 'FARMS- Farm Machinery Solutions' will facilitate local farmers and citizens of the different States across the country with the Custom hiring services of Farm Machinery Banks, Custom Hiring Centers (CHC) and Hi-tech Hubs established under the various Schemes of DAC&FW, MoA&FW without any computer support system. 
  • This app will help the individual farmers, willing to provide their agricultural machinery & equipments on rental basis to increase their farm income beside making the optimum utilization of the available Agricultural machineries available in CHCs/FMBs/Hi-tech Machinery Hubs. 
  • This app will provide a platform for sell and purchase of old agriculture machinery to farmers also.

1) Who can register on this App? 
  • Both CHC Owners (Farmers, Societies and Entrepreneurs) and CHC Users/Farmers can register. For Govt. CHC the state/ district officer may be registered through state nodal officer on FM DBT portal (agrimachinery.nic.in) 
2) Is an OTP required? 
  • Yes. A six digit OTP received on your mobile number provided at the time of registration is required. If OTP is not received, user can select the option to resend it. Also, ensure that network connection is available in your area. Please note that, the OTP received on mobile will not be auto filled as per Google Play Store policy. The user has to fill it manually. 
3) If your District/Sub-District/Village does not appear in dropdown list? 
  • Kindly contact your concerned State/District/Block level nodal officer. State/District/Block level nodal officer will send the District wise Sub-Districts, Village details list in an excel sheet on email id: support-agrimech@gov.in 

The App can be downloaded from Google play store by searching “FARMS” or “FARMS Farm Machinery Solutions” 

PM Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises Scheme (PM FME Scheme) for providing financial, technical and business support for upgradation of existing micro food processing enterprises.

July 27, 2021 0
PM Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises Scheme (PM FME Scheme) for providing financial, technical and business support for upgradation of existing micro food processing enterprises.

Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), in partnership with the States, has launched an all India centrally sponsored "PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PM FME Scheme)" for providing Financial, technical and business support for upgradation of existing micro food processing enterprises. 

The objectives of the scheme are : 

(i) Support for capital investment for upgradation and formalization with registration for GST, FSSAI hygiene standards and Udyog Aadhar;

 (ii) Capacity building through skill training, imparting technical knowledge on food safety, standards & hygiene and quality improvement; 

(iii) Hand holding support for preparation of DPR, availing bank loan and upgradation;

(iv) Support to Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), Self Help Groups (SHGs), producers cooperatives for capital investment, common infrastructure and support branding and marketing. 

One District One Product 

The Scheme adopts One District One Product (ODOP) approach to reap the benefit of scale in terms of procurement of inputs, availing common services and marketing of products. 
ODOP for the scheme will provide the framework for value chain development and alignment of support infrastructure. There may be more than one cluster of ODOP product in one district. There may be cluster of ODOP product consisting of more than one adjacent district in a State.
The scheme would also support strengthening of backward and forward linkages, provision of common facilities, incubation centres, training, R&D, marketing & branding, provision of which would primarily be for ODOP products.

Upgradation of Individual Micro Food Processing 

  • Units Individual micro food processing units desirous of upgradation of their unit can avail credit-linked capital subsidy @35% of the eligible project cost with a maximum ceiling of Rs.10 lakh per unit. The beneciar y contribution should be minimum 10% and the balance should be loan from a Bank.

  • Support to FPOs / SHGs / Cooperatives The scheme would provide support t o F P O s/ S H G s/ P r o d u c e r Cooperatives for capital investment along the entire value chain with credit linked grant @ 35%. Seed Capital to SHG Seed capital @ Rs. 40,000/- per SHG member would be provided to those engaged in food processing for working capital and purchase of small tools. Seed capital as grant would be provided to the SHG federation which, in turn, would be extended to members as loan through the SHGs.
  • Common Infrastructure Credit linked grant @35% would be provided to FPOs, SHGs, cooperatives, State owned agencies and private entrepreneurs for development of common infrastructure including common processing facility, lab, warehouse, cold storage, packaging and incubation center
Branding and Marketing Support:
  •  Marketing and branding support would be provided at State or regional level to FPOs/ SHGs/ Cooperatives or an SPV of micro food processing enterprises under the scheme following the ODOP approach for developing common packaging & branding with provision for quality control, standardization and adhering to food safety parameters for consumer retail sale. These organisations would be supported based on DPR prepared by them and recommended by the State Nodal Agency. 
  • Support for branding and marketing would be limited to 50% of the total expenditure. Procedure for applying Existing food processing units desirous of seeking assistance could apply online on FME portal. The Resource Persons (RPs) engaged for eld level support would provide handholding support for preparation of DPR, availing bank loan, obtaining necessary registration and licences including food standards of FSSAI, Udyog Aadhar and GST.
  •  Applications for support for FPOs / SHGs / cooperatives, common infrastructure and marketing & branding could be submitted to the State Nodal Agency (SNA) along with a DPR. The SNA would appraise the project and recommend it for bank loan. Grant by the Government would be deposited in the account of beneciary in the lending bank. If after a period of three years from the disbursement of last tranche of the loan, the beneciary account is still standard and the Unit is operational, this amount would be adjusted in the bank account of beneficiary. 
Upgradation of Processing Units 

Individual Category: Individual micro food processing units would be extended credit-linked capital subsidy @35% of the eligible project cost for expansion/ technology upgradation with a maximum ceiling of Rs.10 lakh per unit. The beneficiary contribution should be minimum 10% and the balance should be loan from a Bank.

 Eligibility criteria:

 (i) Individual / Partnership Firm with ownership right of the enterprise; 
(ii) Existing micro food processing units in the survey or verified by the Resource Person; 
(iii) The applicant should be above 18 years of age and should possess at least VIII standard pass educational qualification;
 (iv) Only one person from one family is eligible for obtaining financial assistance. The “family” for this purpose would include self, spouse and children.

Group Category: 

The Scheme would provide support in clusters to groups such as FPOs/ SHGs/ producer cooperatives along their entire value chain. SHGs / FPOs / Producer Cooperatives would be provided the following support:- 
   (i) Grant @35% with credit linkage for capital investment with maximum limit as prescribed; 
  (ii) Training support;
  (iii) Support for marketing and branding for products under ODOP for developing common brand.

Eligibility Criteria: 
(i) It should be engaged in processing of ODOP produce for at least three years; 
(ii) In case of FPOs / cooperatives, they should have minimum turnover of Rs.1 crore and the cost of the project proposed should not be larger than the present turnover; 
(iii) The SHG / cooperative / FPO should have sufficient internal resources to meet 10% of the project cost and margin money for working capital.

Completed Application forms can be submitted either directly to the State Nodal Agencies or through the District Nodal contacts mentioned below

List of State Nodal Points for Application Submission
List of District Nodal Points for Application Submission

 Application Procedure

The State Nodal Agencies will now be accepting applications for Cooperatives, FPOs, SHGs and Common Infrastructure under the PMFME Scheme in physical form. Following documents need to be submitted by the beneficiaries and would be recommended by the State Nodal Authorities to MOFPI for availing credit-linked subsidy.

  1. Signed Hard Copy of the Completed Application Form (pdf).
  2. Soft copy of the Completed Application Form (Excel).
  3. Supporting Documents for application.
  4. Detailed Project Report in PDF or word format.

For further information check official website https://mofpi.nic.in/pmfme/index.html

Admission for B.Tech.(Food Tech.) -2021 at Indian Institute for Food Processing Technology ( IIFPT ), Thanjavur

July 27, 2021 0
Admission for B.Tech.(Food Tech.) -2021 at Indian Institute for Food Processing Technology ( IIFPT ), Thanjavur

Admission for B.Tech.(Food Tech.) at IIFPT is based on All India Rank in JEE (Main) through JoSAA 2021

Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT) is a renowned premier Institution in education and research in the field of food processing, functioning under the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Government of India. The institute has its origin way back in 1967, as an R&D laboratory in the Modern Rice Mill complex of Thanjavur Co-operative Marketing Federation (TCMF) at Tiruvarur. During 2017, the institute rechristened as Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT). 

Academic Programmes 

Undergraduate Programme 

B.Tech. (Food Technology) – 4 years (8 semesters) 

Postgraduate Programmes 

M.Tech. (Food Technology) in Food Process Engineering – 2 years (4 semesters) 

M.Tech. (Food Technology) in Food Process Technology – 2 years (4 semesters) 

M.Tech. (Food Technology) in Food Safety & Quality Assurance – 2 years (4 semesters) 

Doctoral Programmes 

Ph.D. (Food Technology) in Food Process Engineering – 3 years (6 semesters) 

Ph.D. (Food Technology) in Food Process Technology – 3 years (6 semesters)

Facilities at IIFPT

  • FSSAI Referral & NABL Accredited Laboratory
  • Computational Modeling and Nanoscale processing Unit
  • Centre of Excellence in Non-Thermal Processing
  • Centre for Excellence in Grain Sciences
  • Food Processing Business Incubation Centre
  • State of the art AICTE approved Teaching & Research Labs
  • Placement in Food industries

Departments at IIFPT
  •  Food Engineering
  •  Food Packaging & System Development 
  •  Food Product Development 
  •  Food Safety & Quality Testing
  •  Food Biotechnology
  •  Primary Processing, Storage & Handling
  •  Computational Modeling & Nanoscale Processing Unit 
  •  Technology Dissemination
  •  Incubation Centre 
  •  Workshop & Fabrication Unit
  •  Academics & Human Resource Development 
  •  Centre for Excellence in Grain Science
  •  Industry Academia Cell
  •  Centre of Excellence in Non-Thermal Processing
  •  Computer Centre 
  •  Planning & Monitoring Cell 
  •  Administrative Office
  •  Supporting Unit

B.Tech. (Food Technology)


  •  Only those candidates who have appeared in JEE (Main)-2021 (Paper-1) will be eligible for getting admission at IIFPT. 

  •  The admission is carryout in the Joint Seat Allocation Authority 2021(JoSAA2021) through on line portal based on the JEE(Mains). 

Total No. of Seats: 90

For further details check official website http://www.iifpt.edu.in/ug.php

M.Tech & Ph.D admission details click here

Study M.Tech & Ph.D (Food Technology)-2021 at Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur.

July 27, 2021 0
Study M.Tech & Ph.D (Food Technology)-2021 at Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur.

Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology ( IIFPT )is a renowned premier Institution in education and research in the field of food processing, functioning under the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Government of India. The institute has its origin way back in 1967, as an R&D laboratory in the Modern Rice Mill complex of Thanjavur Co-operative Marketing Federation (TCMF) at Tiruvarur. During 2017, the institute rechristened as Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT).

Admission opening for Postgraduate Programmes - 2021 
  • M.Tech. (Food Technology) in Food Process Engineering – 2 years (4 semesters) 
  • M.Tech. (Food Technology) in Food Process Technology – 2 years (4 semesters) 
  • M.Tech. (Food Technology) in Food Safety & Quality Assurance – 2 years (4 semesters) 
  • Ph.D. (Food Technology) in Food Process Engineering – 3 years (6 semesters) 
  • Ph.D. (Food Technology) in Food Process Technology – 3 years (6 semesters)
M.Tech Programme:

  • Candidate should have passed a 4 years B.E. / B.Tech. degree in any of the following discipline like Food Technology / Food Process Engineering / Agricultural Engineering / Agricultural and Food Engineering / Food Technology and Management / Food Processing and Preservation Technology / Dairy Technology/ Food Science and Technology / Food Process Technology /Post Harvest Technology / Fisheries Engineering.
  • A candidate who has undergone course credit system with a minimum OGPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 or 7.00 out of 10 or 70% aggregate alone is eligible to apply. However for SC/ST candidates a pass in the qualifying degree is sufficient. 
Selection Criteria:  
  • Selection is purely based on merit basis only. 
  • Ranking will be done based on undergraduate marks (30% weightage) and IIFPT Entrance Examination-2021 (70% weightage). 
  •  IIFPT Entrance Examination-2021 will be conducted at IIFPT Thanjavur main campus or through online. 
  • Reservation policy based on government norms.
Ph.D Programme:
  • Should have passed a 4 years bachelors degree and a 2 years M.E. / M.Tech degree in any of the following discipline like Food Technology / Food Process Engineering / Agricultural and Food Engineering / Food Technology and Management / Food Processing and Preservation Technology / Food Science and Technology / Food Process Technology / Post Harvest Technology / Agricultural Process Engineering / Food Safety and Quality Assurance / Processing and Food Engineering. 
  • A candidate who has undergone course credit system with a minimum OGPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 or 7.00 out of 10 or 70% aggregate alone is eligible to apply. However for SC/ST candidates a pass in the qualifying degree is sufficient. 
Selection Criteria:  
  • Selection is purely based on merit basis only. 
  • Ranking will be done based on undergraduate & postgraduate marks and IIFPT Entrance Examination-2021 followed by Personal interview 
  • IIFPT Entrance Examination-2021 and Personal interview will be conducted at IIFPT Thanjavur main campus or through online. Reservation policy based on government norms.
General instructions for online Application for M.Tech. and Ph.D. 

1.A candidate shall apply for any subjects in Master /Doctoral programs based on the eligibility criteria. Separate fee is to be remitted for each subject. 

2. All applicants should apply by ONLINE ONLY (www.iifpt.edu.in) till 12.00 midnight on or before 20.8.2021 for Masters and Ph.D. programs. 

3. The application fee should be paid online by e-Payment in the link (in official website) for all degree programmes.

M.Tech & Ph.D Programmes IIFPT Entrance Exam Syllabus 

Registration and submission of online application: http://iifpt.edu.in/olapp/forms/adm/Adm2021.php

Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said the government is aiming to create a federated National Farmers Database using digitised land records.

July 27, 2021 0
Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar  said the government is aiming to create a federated National Farmers Database using digitised land records.

The government is aiming to create a federated National Farmers Database using digitised land records that will help to offer proactive and personalised services to farmers, Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar informed Parliament on Tuesday. The agriculture ministry has already commenced the work of creating 'Agristack' -- a digital ecosystem of agriculture -- in the country that should help the government in effective planning towards increasing the income of farmers in particular and imp ..

The MoUs -- purely on a pro bono basis with selected companies -- are being signed for one year to develop PoCs.

PoCs will help in understanding solutions that can be built using available data and some of them, if found beneficial to the farmers will be scaled up at the national level.

Further, Tomar said the government would ensure the data privacy of the farmers' personal details.

"As of now, the federated farmers' database is being built by taking the publicly available data existing with the ministry and in various data silos in government and linking them with the digitised land records," he said.

The agriculture ministry in consultation with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is in the process of bringing out a data policy for the agriculture sector, he noted.
Asserting that the aim of the proposed initiative is to increase farmers' income by leveraging the available data and developing solutions based on the data, the minister said if states have already built such a system, then, the endeavour will be to make use of the same and build on top of that.

"Yes, the Government aims to create a federated National Farmers Database and the digitized land records will be used as data attributes for creating this database," Tomar said.

The proposed database will ensure input costs are reduced, ease of farming is ensured, quality is improved and farmers get better prices for their farm produce, he added.

To bring dynamism to the farmer's database, the minister said the linkage with the digital land record management system is essential.

The database is envisaged to facilitate online single sign-on facilities for universal access and usher in proactive and personalised services to farmers such as direct benefit transfer, soil and plant health advisories, weather advisories, irrigation facilities, seamless credit and insurance facilities, seeds, fertilisers, pesticide-related information nearby logistic facilities, market access information, peer to peer lending of farm equipment etc.

Asked if landless farmers will be included in the proposed database, Tomar said, "At present, farmers' database will include the farmers, who are legal owners of the agricultural land as per the government database and as endorsed by the state government".

In future, the possibility of including others may be considered in consultation with state governments and other stakeholders, he added.

Asked if the database will be used for choosing beneficiaries of the government schemes, Tomar said once developed, a federated national farmer database will help to deliver personalised and proactive services to farmers.

"Government can make use of the database for targeted service delivery with higher efficiency and in a focussed and time-bound manner," he added.

July 26, 2021

What is Agri-Clinics and Agri Business Centers (ACABC) Scheme ?

July 26, 2021 0
What is Agri-Clinics and Agri Business Centers (ACABC) Scheme ?

July 25, 2021

ICAR AIEEA PG - 2021- Notification, Syllabus, Important dates, Application details .

July 25, 2021 0
ICAR AIEEA PG - 2021- Notification, Syllabus, Important dates, Application details .
The ICAR-Agricultural University (AU) System of India has 74 Agricultural Universites comprising 63 State Agricultural, Veterinary, Horticultural and Fisheries Universities (SAUs), 4 ICAR-DUs, viz. IARI, IVRI, NDRI and CIFE, 3 Central Agricultural Universities (CAU, Imphal, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa and RLB CAU, Jhansi), 4 Central Universities (CU) having Faculty of Agriculture (BHU, AMU, Viswa Bharati and Nagaland University). The National Agricultural Research, Education and Extension System (NAREES) of India is one of the largest in the world, admitting more than 28000 students at UG level and over 17,500 students at Master’s and Doctoral level annually, in different disciplines of Agricultural and Allied Sciences. 
During 2020-21, against the total of 3219 Seats, 2641 candidates were recommended by ICAR for admission to accredited Master Degree Programmes in 67 accredited AUs under the ICARAU system.
Eligibility criteria and qualifications:

In order to appear in ICAR-AIEEA (PG) 2021, an Indian national candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility requirements for the examination as well as admission as detailed in the Information Bulletin.
  • Candidate should note that for admission to Master’s degree programmes through entrance examination conducted by NTA, only the candidates having passed graduation with four/six (10+6 B.Sc. Ag.)/five years’ (B.V.Sc. & AH)/5½ years (B.V.Sc. & AH) degree programme will be eligible.
  • The Candidate must have passed Bachelor degree examination securing Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) of at least 6.60/10.00 in ten-point scale, 5.88/9.00 in nine-point scale, 5.226/8.00 in eight point scale, 4.573/7.00 in seven point scale, 3.92/6.00 in six pointscale, 3.25/5.00 in five-point scale, 2.60/4.00 in four-point scale for General, OBC, UPS and EWS categories whereas for SC/ST/Person with Disability (PwD) candidates, the said requirement is an OGPA of at least 5.60/10.00, 4.98/9.00 in nine-point scale, 4.426/8.00 in eight point scale, 3.873/7.00 in seven point scale, 3.32/6.00 in six point- scale, 2.75/5.00, 2.20/4.00, respectively. In other cases, where grade points are not awarded and only marks are awarded, the candidate must have secured at least 60% marks for General, OBC, UPS 16 and EWS categories whereas for SC/ST/PwD categories the requirement is 50% marks. (Please note that equivalence between OGPA and % marks will not be acceptable). There will be no rounding-off of the OGPA/percentage of marks of qualifying examination while deciding the basic eligibility of any candidate for admission e.g. if a candidate obtained 49.99% marks in his/her qualifying examination, then it will not be rounded-off to 50%. 
Important dates and websites:

Online submission of Application Form

25.07.2021 to 20.08.2021 (upto 05:00 PM)

Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit Card/Net-Banking/UPI

20.08.2021 (upto 11:50 PM)

Correction in particulars of Application Form on website only (No corrections shall be allowed after 26.08.2021)

23.08.2021 to 26.08.2021

Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website

To be announced later

Date of Examination

17th September 2021

Duration of Examination

120 minutes (2 hours)

Timing of Examination and Centre, Date and Shift of Examination

As indicated on Admit Card

Display of Attempted Question Paper and Provisional Answer Keys

To be announced later




Schedule for Online Counselling

To be announced by the ICAR on www.icar.org.in, www.icarexam.net after the declaration of result

Application  Fee Payable by candidate:

General/Unreserved                                                     : Rs. 1120/- 

Other Backward Classes (OBC)- (NCL)*UPS/ EWS-: Rs. 1100/- 

SC/ST/PwBD/ Transgender                                         : Rs. 550/- 

Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate, as applicable

  • Candidates can apply for AIEEA (PG)-2021“Online” on the website : https://icar.nta.ac.in
  • The Application Form other than online mode will not be accepted. 
  • Candidates must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through email on e-mail address or SMS on given Mobile Number only.
Syllabus for the Test:
 The Question Papers for the test shall be based on the syllabus prescribed by the ICAR, which is available at the website : https://icar.org.in/content/icar%E2%80%99s-aice-jrfsrf-pgs-2020-examination.

Four Steps to Complete the Application Process
  • Step 1: Apply for Online Registration using unique Email ID and Mobile No. 
  • Step 2: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. 
  • Step 3: Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb - 200 kb) Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4kb – 30kb)and candidate’s thumb impression (between 3 kb to 30 kb) in JPG/JPEG format. 
  • Step 4: Pay fee using SBI/Canara/HDFC/ICICI Bank/ Paytm Payment Gateway through Debit Card/ CreditCard/Net-Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid.In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled, and amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated. 
❖ Download, save and print copies of Confirmation Page after successful remittance of fee and keep copies safely for future reference. 
❖ All the 4 Steps can be done together or at separate times

ICAR AIEEA (UG) - Bachelor Degree Programme in Agriculture admission 2021

July 25, 2021 0
ICAR AIEEA (UG) - Bachelor Degree Programme in Agriculture admission 2021

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is the apex body for coordinating, guiding, and managing research and education in agriculture in the entire country under the aegis of DARE, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.

The ICAR-AU System of India has 74 Agricultural Universities comprising 63 State Agricultural, Veterinary, Horticultural and Fisheries Universities (SAUs), 4 ICAR-DUs, viz. IARI, IVRI, NDRI and CIFE, 3 Central Agricultural Universities (CAU, Imphal, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa and RLB CAU, Jhansi), 4 Central Universities (CUs) having Faculty of Agriculture (BHU, AMU, Viswa Bharati and Nagaland University).

 ICAR AIEEA (UG) - is All India Entrance Examination for(a) admission to 15% seats in Bachelor Degree Programme in Agriculture and Allied Sciences ( Other than veterinary sciences) at Agricultural Universities (100% seats at NDRI Karnal, RLBCAU Jhansi & DR. RPCAU PUSA) and (b) award of National Talent Scholarship in Agriculture & Allied Science subjects (other than Veterinary Science).

General Eligibility Criteria to appear in AIEEA (UG)- 2021:

In order to appear in AIEEA (UG) 2021, Indian national candidates must have passed 10+2 Senior Secondary Examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education or any other examination within scope and standard found to be equivalent to the Senior Secondary Examination of a recognized Indian Board/University, with minimum prescribed marks/grade, after a period of 12 years of study. The medium of instruction in the admitting University will be English

Age Limit

Indian Nationals of at least 16 years of age as on 31.08.2021 are eligible to apply for the examination. No relaxation is admissible regarding the minimum age limit.

Degree Programmes for Admission through AIEEA (UG) 2021 :

During academic session 2021-22, admission to 11 Bachelor degree programmes of four years duration

  1. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture 
  2. B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture 
  3. B.F.Sc. 
  4. B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry 
  5. B.Sc. (Hons.) Community Science 
  6. Food Nutrition and Dietetics
  7. B.Sc. (Hons.) Sericulture 
  8. B. Tech. Agricultural Engineering 
  9. B. Tech. Dairy Technology 
  10. B. Tech. Food Technology 
  11. B. Tech. Bio- Technology

Applying Online and Submission of Application Form :

  • Candidates can apply for AIEEA (UG)-2021“Online” on the website : https://icar.nta.ac.in
  • The Application Form other than online mode will not be accepted.
  • Candidates must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through email on e-mail address or SMS on given Mobile Number only

Syllabus for the Test:

 The Questions in the test shall be based on the syllabus prescribed by the ICAR, which is available at the website https://icar.org.in/content/icar%E2%80%99s-aice-jrfsrf-pgs-2020-examination. 

Important dates and websites:

Online submission of Application Form

25.07.2021 to 20.08.2021 (upto 05:00 PM)

Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit Card/Net-Banking/UPI

20.08.2021 (upto 11:50 PM)

Correction in particulars of Application Form on website only (No corrections shall be allowed after 26.08.2021)

23.08.2021 to 26.08.2021

Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website

To be announced later

Date of Examination

7 th, 8th & 13th September 2021

Duration of Examination

150 minutes (2 ½ hours)

Timing of Examination and Centre, Date and Shift of Examination

As indicated on Admit Card

Display of Attempted Question Paper and Provisional Answer Keys

To be announced later





Schedule for Online Counselling

To be announced by the ICAR on www.icar.org.in, www.icarexam.net after the declaration of result

Application  Fee Payable by candidate:

General/Unreserved                                                     : Rs. 770/- 

Other Backward Classes (OBC)- (NCL)*UPS/ EWS-: Rs. 750/- 

SC/ST/PwBD/ Transgender                                         : Rs. 375/- 

Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate, as applicable

Instructions for filling Online Application Form :

Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form in https://icar.nta.ac.in/ website . Read these carefully and apply. 

 Follow the 4 steps given below to Apply Online: 

Step-1: Apply for Online Registration using unique Email Id and Mobile No. 

Step-2: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. 

Step-3: Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb - 200 kb), Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4 kb – 30 kb) and Thumb impression (file size: 3 kb-30 kb) in JPG/JPEG format.

 Step-4: Pay fee using SBI/Canara/HDFC/ICICI/Paytm Payment Gateway through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled, and amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated. 

**All the 4 Steps can be done together or at separate times

The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step 3 and Step 4 are not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.

Note: Carefully read the Official Notification, Full Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form in https://icar.nta.ac.in/ website and apply.

ICAR Entrance Examinations-2021 [(AIEEA(UG), AIEEA(PG) and AICE JRF/SRF(Ph.D)] , Important dates, Application and Announcement details- Check here

July 25, 2021 0
ICAR Entrance Examinations-2021 [(AIEEA(UG), AIEEA(PG) and AICE JRF/SRF(Ph.D)] , Important dates, Application and Announcement details- Check  here

National Testing Agency (NTA) will be conducting the ICAR Entrance Examinations [AIEEA (UG), AIEEA (PG) & AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D)] -2021 for admission to the Undergraduate, Post Graduate and Doctoral Programmes of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(lCAR) for the academic session 2021-22.

The exam will consist of a single paper as per details given below:

 Date(s) of exam: 

  • AIEEA(UG)-7,8 and 13th September 2021 
  • AIEEA(PG) and
  •  AICE -JRF/SRF(Ph.D)-17th September 2021 

Mode of exam Computer Based Test (CBT Mode) Pattern of exam Objective Type comprising Multiple Choice Questions.

Mode Duration 

  • 150 minutes for AIEEA –(UG) 
  • 120 minutes for AIEEA-( PG) and AICE- JRF/SRF (Ph.D) 

Language of the paper:

  •  English and Hindi- for AIEEA-(UG),
  •  English only for AIEEA-( PG) and AICE JRF/SRF (Ph.D) 

Exam Centres: At 178 cities across India for ICAR AIEEA-(UG ) At 89 cities across India for ICAR AIEEA (PG) and AICE JRF/SRF-(Ph.D) 

Submission of online application forms and payment of exam fee From 25.07.2021 to 20.08.2021

Apply online at https://icar.nta.ac.in only during the period from 25.07.2021 to 20.08.2021 and also pay the applicable fee, online, through the payment gateway using debit/credit cards, net banking, UPI or Paytm.