August 2021 - Agri Info

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August 31, 2021

Daily Dosage - Chick Pea Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

August 31, 2021 0
Daily Dosage -  Chick Pea Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

Chick Pea Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

1. Origin of chick pea: India, south West Asia.

2. Botanical name of chick pea: Cicer arietinum

3. Family of chick pea: leguminaceae/papilonaceae

4. Chick pea fruit is known as Pod.

5. Germination of chick pea: Hypogeal.

6. Chromosome number of chick pea: 2n=14,16

7. Critical stage of chick pea: Pre flowering and pod development.

8. Post borer is a most important pest of gram.

9. Gram seed sowing 8-10 cm for to avoid wilt disease.

10. Other name of chick pea: Gram, Bengal gram, chana.

11. Protein in green gram: 21%

12. Green gram is Known as king of pulse crops.

13. Gram is an important source of Fe, Ca, Niocin.

14. Blood purify factor is present in gram.

15.Germinated seed of gram is used for scurvy disease.

16.The sour taste of leaves due to presence of malic acid (90-96%) and oxalic acid (4-10%)

17. Chick pea is a long day and self pollinated crop, C3 plant.

18. Ground Nut - Tap root system

19.Water requirement of chick pea: 300-350 mm

20. Seed multiplication ratio of chick pea: 1:10

21.  Desi (cicer arietinum) is a-

  •    Desi is small seeded
  •    Angular shaped edge
  •    Shape like chickens head.
  •    90% of the world‘s cultivated 460. C.N. 2n=14
  •    Test weight: 140-200g

22.   Kabuli ( cicer kabulium) is a

  • Kabuli, large and round seeded with white pale cream seed coat
  • Duration 90-180 days
  • CO 2, CO 3, CO 4 are 90days
  • C. N. 2n=16
  • Test weight: 340-375g

23.    Temperature required to chick pea: 15-20 C

24.    Seed rate of chick pea-Early: 75 -80 kg/ha, Late: 80-100 kg/ha.

25.    Depth of sowing of chick pea: 8-10 cm

26.    Spacing required for chick pea: 30x10 cm

27.    Nipping: Plucking the apical buds of the crop at about 30 to 40 DAS is done to stop the apical growth.

28.    Nipping promotes the lateral branching, plants to become more vigorous and produce more vigorous and produce more flowers and pods and yield per plant is increased.

29.    The chemical is used for nipping TIBA (tri iodo benzoic acid) 75ppm. Also it can be done by flock of sheep.

Daily Dosage - GroundNut Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exams

August 31, 2021 0
Daily Dosage - GroundNut Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exams

 GroundNut Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

1.    Origin of groundnut: Brazil

2.    Botanical name of groundnut: Arachis hypogeal

3.    Family  of groundnut: leguminaceae/fabiaceae

4.    Chromosome number of groundnut: 2n=40

5.    Epigeal germination in groundnut.

6.    Ground nut is a Self pollinated, C3 plant, short day plant.

7.    Groundnut Grain known as kernel.

8.    Other name of groundnut: monkey nut, peanut, earth nut, manilanut.

9.    Groundnut pod is called “lomentum”

10.   It contains 45% oil and 25% protein.

11.    Shelling percentage in groundnut is 70%

12.    Nitrogen percentage in groundnut cake 7-8%

13.    Pegging stage comes after 55 day after sowing.

14.    Bitterness of seed due to Aflatoxin. It produced spergilus flavus group                        of fungi.

15.    The gynophores of groundnut are positive gravitation movement in                         soil.

16.    Groundnut is geocarpic crop.

17.    Calcium is most important element for groundnut pod formation.

18.    Pods development without kernels is known as popping.

19.    Test weight of groundnut: 200-250 grams

20.    Seed multiplication ratio of groundnut: 1:8

21.    Temp. required to groundnut: 21-27C

Daily Dosage - Sunflower & Safflower Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

August 31, 2021 0
Daily Dosage - Sunflower & Safflower Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

 Sunflower Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

1.    Origin of sunflower: Mexico

2.    Botanical name of sunflower: Helianthus annuus.

3.    Family of sunflower: Compositeace (Asteraceae)

4.    Chromosome number of sunflower: 2n=34

5.    Inflorescence of sunflower: capitulum

6.    Oil content in sunflower: 35-45%

7.    Highest PUFA containing crop is sunflower

8.    Sunflower is a day neutral crop.

9.    Storage moisture percentage of sunflower: 9-10%

10.    Seed multiplication ratio of sunflower: 1:50

11.    Seed rate of sunflower: 5-8 kg/ha

12.    Spacing of sunflower: 45 x 30 cm

13.    Origin of safflower: Ethiopia

14.    Botanical name of safflower: Carthamus tinctorious

15.    Family of safflower: Compositeae (Asteraceae)

16.    Chromosome number of safflower: 2n=20

17.    Fruit type of safflower: Achene

18.    Inflorescence of safflower: Capitulum

19.    Seed rate of safflower: 15-20 kg/ha

20.    Spacing of safflower: 30 x 20 cm

21.    Safflower oil is best for heart patients

22.    Safflower crop is known as fencing/ border crop.

23.    PUFA percentage in safflower: 78%

24.    Safflower contains 32-36% oil

25.    41% linolic acid in safflower.

25.    Seed multiplication ratio of safflower: 1:60

August 30, 2021

Cotton Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

August 30, 2021 0
Cotton Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

 Cotton Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

1.    Origin of cotton: India

2.    Botanical name of cotton: Gossypium spp.

3.    Family of cotton: Malvaceae

4.   Chromosome number:

  • Desi cotton: 2n=26
  •  American cotton: 2n=52

5.   Spacing of cotton:

  •  Desi cotton: 60 x 15 cm
  •  American: 60 x 30 cm
  •  Hybrid: 120 x 45 cm
  •  Bt cotton: 100 x 100 cm
  •  Ultra narrow row: 19 x 19 cm

6.    Cotton is known as white gold.

7.    Cotton also known as back bone of textile industry.

8.    Cotton is a King of appraisal fiber.

9.    Cotton is a Deep rooted crop.

10.   Cotton is a C3, Self pollinated, day neutral.

11.    Epigeal germination in cotton.

12.    Cotton fiber length is measured by arealometer.

13.    Cotton is a Hardy crop most drought tolerant crop.

14.    Seed multiplication ratio: 1:50

15.    Bt- cotton is discovered by Japanese scientist Eshivata in 1901.

16.    In bt-cotton cry-1 gene responsible.

17.    Cry-1 gene also known as ammien gene.

18.    Cry-1 gene produced a protein against spotted bollwarm.

19.    Bt (Bacillus thurogensis) is a soil bacteria.

20.    Seed rate of cotton-

  •    Desi cotton: 10-12 kg/ha
  •    American: 15-20 kg/ha
  •    Hybrid: 2-3 kg/ha.
  •    Bt. Cotton: 1.5-2.0 kg/ha. 

21.  Temperature required in cotton:

  • For germination: 16C
  • For vegetative growth: 21-27C
  • Cotton can tolerate temperature upto 43C