
Daily Dosage - Institutions related to Seed Science


  • National Bureau of Plant genetic resources - New Delhi
  • Central Seed Testing Laboratory - Varanasi, UP
  • National Seed Research and Training Centre - Varanasi, UP
  • Directorate of Seed and Spices Research -MAU, UP
  • Central Institute for Research in Cotton Technology - Mumbai, Maharastra
  • Central Institute for Cotton Research -Nagpur, Maharastra
  • Central Tobacco Research Institute- Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh
  • Central Rice Research Institute - Cuttack, Odisha
  • International Rice Research Institute-Manila, Philippines
  • International Plant genetic Resources Institute - Rome, Italy
  • The head office of CIMMYT - EL batan
  • Central Potato Research Institute- Simla
  • Indian Institute of Spices Research -Calicut, Kerala
  • Indian Institute of Horticultural Research - Bangalore, Karnataga
  • Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research  - Lucknow, UP
  • Indian Institute of Vegetable Research  - Varanasi, UP
  • Sugarcane Breeding Station - Coimbatore, TamilNadu
  • National Research Centre for Seed Spices - Ajmer - Rajesthan
  • National Research Centre for Banana -Trichy, TamilNadu
  • Directorate of Maize Research - New Delhi
  • Directorate of Rice Research - Hyderabad, Telangana
  • Directorate of Oil Seed  Research -Hyderabad,  Telangana 
  • Directorate of Groundnut Research - Junagarh, Gujarath


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