Best book for ICAR JRF -Plant Science Preparation - Agri Info

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August 10, 2021

Best book for ICAR JRF -Plant Science Preparation


Genetics and Plant breeding

  1. Fundamentals of genetics –BD Singh
  2. Elements of genetics –Phundan Singh
  3. Principles of plant breeding-BD Singh
  4. Essentials of plant breeding –K.V.Mohanan
Objective book

Plant Science JRF By Elangovan (Previous solved Paper 2005 to 2019+ Model test Paper’s )
Objective Genetics and plant breeding-Phundan Singh
Objective genetics BD Singh & BK Prasad
Objectives of plant breeding –Phundan Singh
  1. Plant pathology

    1. Plant pathology-Alice
    2. Fungi bacteria virus –H.C.Dube
    3. Uppal kumar Battacharya

    Seed science and technology

    1. P.K Agarwal seed technology
    2. Objective seed technology –TNAU


    1. Microbiology by Tauro and kapoor

    General agriculture

    1. General agriculture by Nem raj Sunda
    2. General agriculture by Arun katyayan vol 1& 2( Read the subjects which comes under plant sciences
    3. only)
    4. General Agriculture for Postgraduate Entrance Exam Test (PET) BHU by Elangovan,
    5. General agriculture by Muniraj singh rathore
    6. Objective agriculture by SR Kantwa

    Plant Physiology

    1. Pandey and sinha 

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