
Daily Dosage - Agronomy Tillage

Agronomy - Tillage  - Oneliner

  • Ploughing  is opening of compacted soil with  the help of different ploughs.  
  • Ploughing is mainly done to  open the hard  soil. 
  • Optimum  range  of  soil moisture  for effective ploughing is  25 to 50% depletion  of  available soil  moisture. 
  • Light soils  can  be  ploughed in wide  range of  soil moisture conditions  while the range is narrow for  heavy soils.
  • Depth of  ploughing  depends  on the  effective  root zone depth  of the crops.
  • Crops with  taproot system  require greater depth  of soil, while fibrous,  shallow rooted crops  require shallow ploughing.       
  • In heavy soils  3 to 5 ploughings  are  needed.
  • In light soils  1 to 3 ploughings  are required. 
  • Country plough is  used for multiple purposes.
  • Disc plough  is used for cutting of creeping  or spreading grass and inversion. 
  • Tractor drawn mould board  plough  used  for  deep  ploughing  and inversion.
  • Animal  drawn mould board plough  is used for incorporation  of manures, fertilizers and plant residues. 1 cm of surface soil  over one hectare of land  weighs about  1.50 t.    
  •  In  western countries  deep  ploughing is  50cm  depth for  rainfed conditions  70cm  for irrigated  conditions 

According to  CRIDA, 
  • Shallow  ploughing:  5-6 cm 
  • Medium  deep ploughing: 15-20  cm 
  • Deep  ploughing:  25-30 cm
  • A deep  tillage of  25-30cm depth  is  necessary for  deep  rooted crops like  pigeonpea. 
  • Moderate deep  tillage of  15-20 cm  is required  for  maize. 
  • Residual effect of deep tillage is  marginal. 
  • It is  advisable to  go for deep  ploughing  only for  long duration, deep  rooted  crops.
  • Cotton roots grow  to  a depth  of  2m  in  deep alluvial  soil  without any pans.


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