
Daily Dosage - Father of Different Disciplines - General Agriculture Oneliner

 Father of Different Disciplines - General Agriculture Oneliner

☘ Father of Agronomy : Pietro Decrescenzi

☘ Father of Agricultural chemistry : Justus von Liebig

☘ Father of Antibiotics : Alexander Flemming

☘ Father of ATP cycle : Lipmann

☘ Father of Biology : Aristotle

☘ Father of Botany : Theophrastus

☘ Bacteriology : Leuwenhoek

☘ Father of Biochemistry : Alec Jeffrey

☘ Father of Cytology : Robert Hooke

☘ Father of Cytoplasmic Inheritance : Carl Correns

☘ Father of Cooperative movement in India : F. Nicholson

☘ Father of DNA finger printing technique : Alec Jeffrey

☘ Father of Economic Ecology : Dr. M.S Swaminathan

☘ Father of Ecology : Reiter

☘ Father of Extension Education : A. Seaman/ Leagnes

☘ Father of Experimental Genetics : Thomas Hunt Morgan

Father of Forest pathology : Robert Haring

☘Fermentation : Louis Pasteur

☘ Father of Field plot experimentation : Jean Baptiste Boussingault

☘ Father of Fruits and vegetables preservation : M. Nicolas Apart

☘ Father of Genetics : Gregor Johann Mendel

☘ Father of Genetic engineering : Paul Berg

☘ Father of Green Revolution : Dr. N.E Borlaug

☘ Father of Golden revolution in India : Dr. K.L Chadha

☘ Father of Golden rice : Dr. Ingo Potrykus

☘ Father of Hybrid Rice : Yuan Long Ping

☘ Father of Hybrid cotton : C.T Patel

☘ Father of Indian phytopathology : E.J Butler.     

☘ Father of Indian Rust : Dr. K.C Mehta

☘ Father of Indian Mycology : E.J Butler

☘ Father of Indian Ecology : R. Mishra

☘ Father of Indian plant breeding : Dr. B.P Pal

☘ Father of Immunology : Edward Jenner
☘ Father of Indian Green Revolution : Dr. M.S Swaminathan

☘ Father of Microbiology : A.V Leuwenhoek

☘ Father of Mycology : Pler A. Micheli

Father of  Medicinal Bacteriology : Robert Koch

☘ Father of Mutation Theory : Hugo de vries.    

Father of  Modern Botany : Linnaeus/ Bauchin

Father of Modern Cytology : Swanson

☘ Father of Nematology : N. A Cobb

☘ Father of Nitrogen Fixation : Winogradsky

☘ Father of Ornamental Gardening : M.S Randhawa

☘ Father of Plant Pathology : Anton De Bary

☘ Father of Plant Physiology : Stephen Hales

 Father of Pedology : VV Dokuchaev

 Father of Parasitology : F. Platter

 Father of  Plant Tissue culture : G. Haberlandt

 Father of Plant Anatomy : Grew

 Father of Polygenic Inheritance : Kolreuter

 Father of Pure culture technique : Oscar Brefeld

 Father of Sociology : Auguste compte

 Father of Statistics : R.A Fisher

 Father of Soil Microbiology : S. N Winogradsky

 Father of Soil testing Technique : M.L Troug

☘  Father of Super Rice : Dr. G.S Khush

☘  Father of Taxonomy : Carolus Linnaeus

 Father of Tillage : Jethro Tull

 Father of Virology : W.M Stanley

 Father of Weeds : Jethro Tull

 Father of White Revolution : Dr. Varghese Kurien.


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