Daily Dosage - Soil Science Oneliner for all Competitive exams - Agri Info

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August 27, 2021

Daily Dosage - Soil Science Oneliner for all Competitive exams

Soil Science Important One liner for all Competitive Exams

  1. Wheat is an indicator plant for copper.
  2. The density of soil water is maximum at 40c.
  3. Organic carbon content in soil average 0.5- 0.7%
  4. Available nitrogen-(240-280kg/ha).
  5. Available phosphorus- (11-22 kg/ha).
  6. Available potassium- (110-280 kg/ha).
  7. Available sulphur-(6-16 ppm).
  8. Enrichment of water bodies by nutrients and consequent bloom of algal and other aquatic plants is termed as ‘Eutrophication’.
  9. Particle density of Alluvial soil is 2.55 gm/cm3.
  10. Macro and Micro spore ratio should be 1:1 in soil.
  11. Fertilizer control order 1985.
  12. Marshy soil are generally deficient of Zn.

  13. Downward movement of nutrients and salts from the root zone with water is known as ‘Leaching’.
  14. A vertical section of soil through all its horizons is called ‘Soil Profile’.
  15. ‘A’ horizon is also known as Fertile horizon.
  16. The smallest volume of soil is called as pedon.

  17. A+B horizons are together called as Solum’.
  18. A+B+C horizons are together called as Regolith’.
  19. The arrangement of primary particles of the soil is known as Soil Structure’.
  20. The relative proportion of sand, silt and clay particles is termed as Soil Texture’.
  21. Newly formed alluvial soil is called as Khadar’.
  22. Old alluvial soil is termed as Bhangar’.
  23. Soil moisture content is determined by Tensiometer’.
  24. A mass of rotted organic matter made from waste is called as Compost’.
  25. Peaty soils are generally deficient of Cu

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