
Daily Dosage - Sorghum / Jowar Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

 Sorghum / Jowar Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

1.          ORIGIN of Sorghum: South East Asia

2.          Botanical name of sorghum: Sorghum bicolor

3.          Family of sorghum: Poaceae/Gramineae

4.          Chromosome number of sorghum: 2n=20

5.          Sorghum is a King of coarse cereals.

6.          First hybrid of sorghum: CSH-1 (1964)

7.          HCN free variety of sorghum:  Sirsa-20

8.          Inflorescence of sorghum: Panicle

9.          Sorghum is Poor in lysine and rich in leucine.

10.      Biofertilizer used in sorghum: Azospirillum (symbiotically associative)

11.      Sorghum is a C4, often cross pollinated crop, short day plant.

12.      Seed multiplication ratio of sorghum: 1:100

13.      Minimum/base temperature for germination of sorghum: 7-8C

14.      Optimum temperature for sorghum: 27-32C

15.      Sorghum is known as camel crop because it has capacity to withstand  against drought condition.

16.      Sorghum Green fodder contain HCN (dhurin, prussic acid) toxic compound for animal. HCN present in early stage (40-50 DAS) in upper leaves.

17.       Protein % in sorghum: 10-12%

18.       Water requirement for sorghum: 400-600 mm.

19.       Drought and salinity tolerant variety of sorghum: CSH-9

20.       Sorghum For fodder purpose harvested at Knee stage.

21.       High dose of sorghum caused pellagra disease (Vit-B deficiency)

22.       Limit of HCN: 0.5%

23.       Ratooning technique: Harvest the main crop leaving 15 cm stubbles.

24.       Spacingfor sorghum: 45 x 15 cm or 45 x 10 cm.

25.       Sorghum sowing at 5 cm depth.

26.       Seed rate of sorghum: normal- 10-12 kg/ha, for fodder perpose- 40- 45kg/ha.


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