
Daily Dosage - Sugarcane Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

 Sugarcane Oneliner - Agronomy Important Q & A For All Competitive Exam

1.          ORIGIN of sugarcane: South East Asia.

2.          Botanical name of sugarcane: Saccharum spp.

3.          Family of sugarcane: Gramineae/Poeace

4.          Chromosome number of sugarcane: 80,120

5.          Soil ph of sugarcane: 6.5-7.5

6.          Inflorescence of sugarcane: Arrow

7.          Noble cane developed by T.S. venketruman.

8.          Artificial ripening of cane by glyphosine, CCC and Polaris.

9.          Brix reading in sugarcane 18-20%.

10.      Sugarcane is a C-4 plant, perennial plant, long day plant, tropical crop.

11.      Upper 1/3 part of cane and 10 month old plant is used for planting because it contains higher nitrogenous and glucose which helps for better germination.

12.      Glucose present in upper part of plant and sucrose present in lower part of plant.

13.      Sugar industry is the largest agro-based industry next only to textiles in India.

14.      Sugarcane bowl of world: Cuba

15.      Water requirement of sugarcane: 2200 mm.

16.      Sugarcane is a Heavy feeder Crop.

17.      Zero tillage is practiced in sugarcane.

18.     Types of Sugarcane sp

  • Chinese cane : Saccharum sinensis (Chinese cane), 
  • Indian Cane : Saccharum barberi  (Indian cane)
  • Tropical cane: Saccharum officinarum (Noble cane)
  • Wild cane: Saccharum robustum

19.     Indian institute of sugarcane research, Luckhnow, 1952.

20.     Sugarcane breeding institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu,1912.

21.     Sugarcane breeding institute, Regional Centre Karnal, 1932

22.     Temperature for sugarcane-

  •  Ripening temp : 12-14C
  •  Optimum temp : 28-32C
  •  Formative stage : 26.5C

23.         Seed rate of sugarcane - Setts 

  •  3 budded 35000-40000 setts/ha.
  •  2 budded 80000 setts/ha.
  •  1 budded 120000 setts/ha.

24.      Spacing for cane- 75-90 x 45 cm.

25.        Planting season of sugarcane:

  • Autum: oct- nov (north india,12 months)
  • Eksali: jan-feb (north india,12 months)
  •  Adsali: july - aug (south india,18 months)

26.      Sugarcane sowing methods-

  •       Flatbed method: in north india, sowing depth 8-10 cm.
  •       Ridge and Furrow method: in south india, depth 10-15 cm.
  •       Trench method: prevent to lodging.
  •       Partha method: in south india.
  •       Spaced method: used single budded setts.
  •       Winter nursery method: used 3 budded setts.
  •       Rayangan method: used for gap filling.
  •       Skip furrow method: combine method of flat bed and trench method.
  •       Pit method: used in sloppy field with pit size 20-30 cm.

27.        Irrigation stages in sugarcane-

  •     Germination stage: 0-60 DAP
  •     Formative  stage:  60-130  DAP  (  most  critical  stage)
  •     Grand phase: 130-250 DAP
  •     Maturity phase: 250-365 DAP

28.        Tying: Bind stems together.

29.        Earthing up: plant root covered by soil to prevent logging. Done in 45 DAP.

30.        Logging: nutrient status of plant.

31.        Treshing: removing dry leaves from crop.

32.         Blind hoeing: weeding after sowing and before germination.

33.         Arrowing: inflorescence of cane is arrow and process of emerging is  called arrowing.

34.          Water lodging: crop fall down due to excessive water.

35.          Crop lodging: crop fall down due to high wind velocity.

36.          Logging term given by H.F. clament.

37.          Bagases: used for fuel and paper making.

38.          Molasses: for Alcohol production. The yield of molasses is approximately 3.0 percent per ton of cane.

39.          Press mud: reclamation of acidic soil. (due to lime contain)

40.          Gasohol: petrol (80%) + alcohol (20%)


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