Blood Relation Study Material - Agri Info

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September 12, 2021

Blood Relation Study Material

Blood Relation - Study Material

• Blood Relation is a must-do part of the exam. As it may come for 5 marks and you know every mark is important.

• In Blood Relation question certain information is given about the members of the family. Based on that information you need to find out the relationship between a particular member of the family.

• Now, take a look at below given “Generation Table” which will help you to understand the different relationship.

Blood relation For Bank Exam

We are presenting the relation in two different forms:

1. Relations of paternal side:

i. Father’s Father – Grandfather

ii. Father’s Mother – Grandmother

iii. Father’s Brother – Uncle

iv. Father’s Sister – Aunt

v. Children of Uncle – cousin vi. Wife of Uncle – Aunt vii. Children of Aunt – Cousin viii. Husband of Aunt – Uncle

2. Relations of maternal side:

i. Mother’s Father – Maternal Grandfather

ii. Mother’s Mother –Maternal Grandmother

iii. Mother’s Brother – Maternal Uncle

iv. Mother’s Sister – Aunt

v. Children of Maternal Uncle – Cousin

vi. Wife of Maternal uncle – Maternal Aunt

• The solve questions of Blood Relations easily, you can take help of “Generation Tree”.

 Types of questions asked from Blood Relations: 

1. Based on Dialogue or Conversation

2. Based on Puzzles

3. Based on Symbolically coded

Based on Conversation or Dialogue-

In this type of questions, the one person talking to or doing chit-chat with other person giving information by pointing to some picture or person.

Example: Pointing to a lady on the stage, Monika said, “She is the sister of the son of the wife of my husband.” How is the lady related to Monika?

Solution: Find who you can easily relate to and be that person-then go about creating one relation after another.

In this question, be Monika-then start from the end of the sentence.

“My husband” = Monika’s husband

‘Wife of my husband’ = is me = Monika

‘Son of the wife of my husband’ = My Son

‘Sister of the Son of the wife of my Husband’ = My Son’s Sister = My daughter

‘She’ is the sister of the son of the wife of my husband’ = the lady on the stage = the lady being pointed out = my daughter.

So, the lady on the stage is Monika’s daughter.

Based on Puzzles: 

In this type of question, you have to conclude the relations between two given person based on more than one information given in the question.

Example: In a family of eight people, there is three generations and two couples. R is the brother of Z, who is the grandchild of X. X is married to P. L is the father of Z. P is the father in law of U.  L is the brother of Y and K. K is the aunt of Z. How is P related to K?

(a) Grandfather

(b) father in law

(c) Father

(d) Mother

(e) None of these

So, P is the father of K.

Based on Symbols: 

In this type of question, information is coded in the form of symbols life D, #, $, % ……. etc.

Example: Read the following information carefully.

(i) P % Q means P is the father of Q.

(ii) P @ Q means P is the brother of Q.

(iii) P $ Q means P is the daughter of Q.

(iv) P * Q means P is the son of Q.

(v) P © Q means P is the mother of Q

(vi) P & Q means P is the wife of Q

Who among the following is daughter in law of Z in the relation- ‘T & Y % S & X * Z’ is true?

(a) X

(b) Y

(c) T

(d) S

(e) Can’t be determine

here, from the above generation tree. we can easily find out S is daughter in law of Z.


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