
Daily Dosage -General Agriculture- Important Onemarks For All Competitive Exams

General Agriculture Important Onemark

  • Which herbicide used in cotton :- Diuron 
  • Yellow mosaic variety of moong is :- Pant moong -4
  • Taungya cultivation started for the 1st time in :- Burma
  • Pink boll worm of cotton belongs to family :- Gelechiidae 
  • Supplementary pollination is recommended in :- Sunflower 
  •  Guttation occurs in plant through :- Stomata & Hydathode
  • Cultivation of crops in surface soil is known as :- Geocropping 
  • TPS variety of potato :- HPS-1/113
  •  Movement of P & K from soil to the root surface take place due to :- Mass flow 
  • ROM - is a variety of :- Mothbean
  • Geographical area of India is?  328 Mha   
  • Redness in Apple is due to? Anthocyanin                                                                        
  • Yellow coloured fruits and vegetables are rich source of? VitamiA                           
  • Yellow colour of cow milk is due to the presence of? Carotene  
  • Edible portion of a mango fruit is its? Mesocarp  
  • Kesar (saffron) belong to the family of? Iridiceae
  • Specific gravity of milk is? 1.028- 1.032                         
  • Developed bitterness of groundnut kernel is mainly due to? Aflatoxin  
  • The paddy variety which is also known as Miracle rice of India is? Jaya   
  • Kisan call centre begun in the year? 2004     
  • Hormone used as an herbicide?  2, 4-D (>20 PPM)  
  • Root promoting hormones? IBA
  • Flower setting hormone? NAA                                     
  • The cutting of weed to the ground level is known as? Mowing 
  • NABARD came into existence on? 12 July, 1982   
  • The scientific name of Arhar is? Cajanus cajan 
  • T.S.S. of papaya jam is? 68.5%                                                     
  • The term ‘horticulture’ is derived from which of the following language? Latin  
  • The development of more than one embryo in the seed is known as? Polyembryony 
  • The botanical name of Okra is? Abelmoschus esculentus       
  • The common name of Cyprus rotundus is? Nut grass    
  • The scientific/botanical name of soybean is? Glycine max  
  • The square method of planting is used in? Mango     
  • The weeds which complete their life cycle in two years are known as? Biennial weeds


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