Pest of Ground Nut - IBPS Agricultural Field Officer Study Material - Agri Info

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September 25, 2021

Pest of Ground Nut - IBPS Agricultural Field Officer Study Material

Pest of Groundnut

1. State the damaging stage/s of groundnut leaf miner. – Larvae

 2. Webbing and drying of terminal leaflets of groundnut. – Leaf miner 

3. The bunchy variety of groundnut is susceptible to Leaf miner. 

4. Leaf miners are favored by the hot dry conditions of the post - rainy season

5. Bawachi weed is alternate host for leaf miner. 

6. The bud necrosis of groundnut is transmitted by Thrips . 

7. Early instars of Red hairy caterpillar are skeletoniser. 

8. The diapauses stage of red hairy caterpillar is pupal stage (pupation in soil). 

9. Scarification of groundnut pods is caused by termites.

 10. Identify the pest from damage -

 a) The whole groundnut field presents burnt appearance. - Leaf miner  

 b) Webbing and drying of terminal leaf lets in groundnut - Leaf miner

 c)   Wilting of groundnut plants in patches with damaged roots – White grub 

 d) Total defoliation in groundnut – Red hairy caterpillar  

11.Severely affected groundnut filed looking as if  grazed by cattle is the typical  symptom of  

----------------      Red hairy caterpillar

 Groundnut shows burnt appearance when  severely infested with --------------- Leaf miner 

 Intercrop cumbu in  groundnut at the ratio of 4:1

 Fecal pellets seen on groundnut leaves and on the ground is an indicator of ________ pest incidence. Tobacco caterpillar 

Growing  castor as a border (or) intercrop in groundnut fields is to attract ------------------    Tobacco caterpillar

Pod bug  sucks the sap from groundnut pod in field as well as storage -Say True or false 

Groundnut leaves with holes resulting in skeletonization and defoliation is due to 

a. Semilooper 

 ___________ Soybean is an alternate host of groundnut leaf miner  

Young groundnut pods showing bore holes with discoloured pulps is the symptom of ________ in groundnut.(Earwig pod borer)


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