Daily Dosage -JRF / SRF / IBPS Agricultural Field Officer Study Material - Important Pest in Rice - Agri Info

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September 25, 2021

Daily Dosage -JRF / SRF / IBPS Agricultural Field Officer Study Material - Important Pest in Rice

 Important Pest in Rice

1. Monophagous /specific pest of paddy is Yellow stem borer.
2. Clipping of tip of seedlings of paddy before transplanting is done to eliminate egg masses of Rice yellow stem borer. 

3. ‘Palinj’ or ‘White ears’ in paddy are produced by Yellow stem borer. 

4. Yellow stem borer hibernates as larva/pupa.
5. The stem borer which is common to sorghum, maize, rice and wheat is Sesamia inferens.
6. Give the name of the egg parasitoid of yellow rice stem borer. - Trichogramma japonicum 

7. Tungro and rice yellow dwarf virus diseases of rice transmitted by Green leaf hopper 

8. Alternate wetting and drying of paddy fields is followed for management of Brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens.

 9. Alley cropping is cultural practice for the management of Brown plant hopper. 

10. Both plant hoppers (Green and BPH) have a peculiar habit of attacking the crop from the middle of field. 

11. Silver shoot in paddy. – Paddy gall fly (Orseolia oryzae

12. Leaf cases hanging from rice leaf and cut leaf bits floating in water. – Caseworm

 13. Dragging of rope in paddy field is management practice for  (Gall fly / Caseworm)
14. Individual rice grains become white and chaffy. Or Buggy odour in rice fields during milky stage. – Rice Gundhi bug / Paddy earhead bug

 15. White parallel streaks along leaf axis in paddy. – Rice hispa 

16. Marginal rolling in rice seedlings. – Rice thrips 

17. Trimming of bunds is recommended for rice grasshopper.

 18. Give the damaging stage(s) - a) Paddy grasshopper - Nymph and adult  b) Paddy stem borer – Larva  c) Rice  hispa – Larva and adult

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