Daily Dosage - -JRF / SRF / IBPS Agricultural Field Officer Study Material - Important terminologies in Agricultural Engineering Part 2 - Agri Info

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September 25, 2021

Daily Dosage - -JRF / SRF / IBPS Agricultural Field Officer Study Material - Important terminologies in Agricultural Engineering Part 2

 Important terminologies in Agricultural Engineering

Scavenging: Scavenging is the process of removal of the exhaust gases from the engine cylinder usually by a flow of air.

Priming: Priming is the process of removing air from pump casing and suction pipe by filling water in the suction pipe.

Pre-ignition: The burning of air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber before the piston has reached the TDC is called as pre-ignition.

Brake mean effective pressure (BMEP):The average pressure acting throughout the entire power stroke which is necessary to produce engine Brake horse power.

Brake thermal efficiency: Brake thermal efficiency is  the  ratio  of  the useful power output of an engine to the fuel energy per unit time.

Cage wheel: It is an attachment to a wheel with spaced cross bars for improving the traction of the tractor during the operation in wet land.

Seed drill: Seed drill is the machine used for drilling the seeds  in  the field.

Seed cum fertilizer drill: The machine which drill seeds and fertilizers simultaneously in the field in known as Seed cum fertilizer drill.

Winnowing: Winnowing is the process  of  separating  grains  from  chaff with the help of air blast.

Horizontal clearance/Horizontal suction: The maximum clearance between the landside  and  a  horizontal  plane,  touching  point  of  share  at its gunnel side and  heel of landside in Mould  board plough.It is generally 5-13 mm.

Vertical clearance/Vertical suction: The maximum clearance under the landside and horizontal surface when Mould board plough is resting on a horizontal surface in working position.It is generally 3 to 5 mm.

Camshaft: The shaft which operate valves of engine is called as Camshaft.

Crankshaft: Crankshaft is the main shaft of an engine which turned by connecting rods, and changes the reciprocating  motion to rotary motion of the piston.

Clearance volume: The space  when  piston  is  at  Top  dead  centre  holds the gases at full compression is known as Clearance volume.

Clutch: Clutch is a device which is used to connect or disconnect the tractor engine from the transmission gears and drive wheels.

Combustion chamber: It is the volume of space above  the  piston  head when piston is at top dead centre.

Compression ratio: It is the ratio of the volume of charge at the beginning of the compression stroke to that at the end of the compression stroke.

Connecting rod: It is a rod connected between the piston and the crankshaft of an engine.

Crankcase: It is the housing within  which the  crankshaft is supported and is rotated.

Crown: Crown is the top portion of the turned furrow slice.

Cylinder: It is the space where piston moves.

Cylinder head: It is the detachable portion of an engine which covers the upper ends of the cylinders and includes the combustion chamber.

Cylinder block: It is the solid casting which includes the cylinder  and water jackets.

Harrow: Harrow is an implement to break the soil to a shallow depth to kill weeds and to mix materials in the soil.

Harrowing: Harrowing is the secondary tillage operation which pulverises and smoothens the soil surface while preparing seed bed.

Lubricant: It is a material which reduces the friction.

Thermostat: It is the valve used to control the flow of water when temperature rises; It is used in cooling system of tractor.

Three point linkage: It is the combination  of  one  upper  link  and  two lower links which is used to connect the implement to the tractor.

Disk angle: The angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disk is inclined to the direction of travel.

Tilt angle: It is the angle at which the plane of cutting edge of the disk is inclined to a vertical line.

Share: It is the part of the  plough  which  penetrates  into  the  soil  and makes a horizontal furrow below the surface.

Valve: Valve is a device used to open and close the entrance leading to an engine cylinder.

Injector: Injector is a device which injects fuel into the combustion chamber of an engine against the pressure of air within  the  chamber  of diesel engine.

Inlet valve: Inlet valve permits the charge to enter  the  cylinder  of  an engine.

Inlet port:  In two stroke engine it is the opening through which air or  air fuel mixture enters the cylinder.

Power take off: It is a shaft usually splined externally to transmit rotational power to another machine or equipment.

Mechanical efficiency: It is the ratio of the brake power to indicated power.

Thermal efficiency: It is the ratio of the output in the form of useful mechanical power to the power value of the fuel consumed.

Swept volume: It is the volume displaced by one stroke  of  the  piston. 

Caster angle: The angle between the centre line of the king pin of the tractor and the vertical line.

Camber angle: The angle between the centre line of the tyre and the vertical line.

Track: Track is the distance between the two wheels of the tractor on the same axle, measured at the point of ground contact.



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