
Daily Dosage -JRF / SRF / IBPS Agricultural Field Officer Study Material - Seed Science Important One Marks

 Seed Science Important One Marks

1.       Chemical Hybridizing agent Malic Hydrizine (MH)

2.       The crop castor A Line is maintained by Crossing with B line

3.       Staggered sowing. Application of urea , adjusting dates of sowing are generally followed to synchronize the male and female flower 

4.       Objectionable weed in sorghum is Striga

5.       Moisture content as a standard for foundation seed certification in cotton is 8%

6.       Color of breeder seed certification tag is Golden Yellow

7.       Mother of seed is known as Nucleus seed

8.       Flower without pedicel Sessile Flower

9.       Bajra is cross pollinated crop due to Protogeny

10.   The condition in which the flower are either staminate or pistillate flower Dicliny / Dichogamy

11.   Establishment of ISTA is 10th July 1924

12.   Father of seed Technology – Fedrich nobb

13.   Seed Act Passed in the year 1966

14.   Certified seed has Blue colour Tag

15.   First emerging part of seed is Radical

16.   Removal of undesirable plants from a varietal mixture Roughing

17.   Isolation distance of often cross pollinated crop will be 30m

18.   First seed testing lab in India is established at New Delhi

19.   Tz Teat done for Seed Viability

20.   Rope pulling method of supplementary pollination is used in Rice

21.   Head Quarters of DAC Is situated at NewDelhi

22.   Foundation seed is produced under supervision of State Seed Corporation

23.   Maize minimum of 90% of germination is necessary for Certified Seed

24.   First Hybrid of Cotton developed by C.T.Patel

25.   Seed replacement rate of cotton is 100% in Gujarat

26.   Isolation distance is not specific for labeled seed

27.   Brinjal – Foundation seed  required maximum moisture 8%

28.   Removal of tassel is practiced in Maize

29.   During seed multiplication of varieties, it is essential to maintain Genetic Purity of the seed

30.   GCH-5- Hybrid of Castor

31.   Chasmogamy condition promotes the Self Pollination

32.   Self incompatability promotes the Cross Pollination

33.   Self incompatable crop is Mustard

34.   Seed Science deals with seed Structure , seed testing  & Production

35.   Objectionable weeds in  sunflower is Orbenche

36.   Heliotropism refers for Phototropic response

37.   Flower head of sunflower is known as Capitulum

38.   Protandrous condition found in Sunflower

39.   Delenting of cotton is done with Acid

40.   Gossypium barbadense spcies is Diploid

41.   Seed rate for planting seed crop will be Higher than Commercial

42.   Seed testing is refers to Purity test, Germination test, Seed moisture test

43.   Weight of standard for bagging of wheat 30kg

44.   Maximum wed seed permissible in bajra is 10kg

45.   In Hybrid seed production seed harvested from A line

46.   National Seed Corporation was established in 1963

47.   SFCT – State Farms Corporation of India

48.   Seed multiplication ratio of wheat is 1:20

49.   Seed multiplication ratio of hybrid rice is 1:100

50.   Seed village concept started with the aim of increasing Seed Replacement Rate


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