
Percentage - Study Material


In Quantitative Aptitude, Percentage is defined as a number or ratio which can be expressed as a fraction of 100 or a fraction whose denominator is 100 is called a percentage & the numerator of the fraction is called the rate percent.

Concept of Percentage:

Kamal saves 20% of his monthly income means – Kamal saves Rs.20 out of every Rs.100 of his income.

  • To calculate x% of y - (x/100) * y = (x*y)/100
  • x% of y = y% of x
  • Percentage change in value = {change/(initial value)} * 100
  • Increase A by x%= A(1 + x/100)
  • Decrease A by x% = A(1 – x/100)
  • If Y is x% more /less than Z, then Z is 100x/(100 + x) % less/more than Y
  • Successive Percentage Change - If there are successive percentage increases of x % and y%, the effective percentage increase is: {(x + y + (xy/100)}%


Concept of Percentage

Percentage and Percent are related closely to each other. Percent (%) is accompanied with a specific number.
Example - More than 80% of the students who took ADDA247 test series qualified the RBI Assistant prelims 2020. Percentage is represented without a number, is used generally for general case of percent.
Example: The percentage of the population affected by coronovirus is between 20% and 25%.

Tricks Related To Percentage:

Fraction, Ratio, Percent and Decimal are interrelated with each other. The conversion table will serve as a shortcut trick to solve various questions.


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