Agricultural Development Programme | Institutional Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) 1995 -96 - Agri Info

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October 16, 2021

Agricultural Development Programme | Institutional Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) 1995 -96

Institutional Village Linkage Programme (IVLP)

  Institutional Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) for Technology Assessment and Refinement (TAR) The IVLP was initiated on a pilot basis in 1995.

 It was implemented in 42 centres of selected Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutes and State Agricultural Universities.

 The salient feature of IVLP programme is that it is an innovative program developed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to help scientists to have direct interaction with the farming community so that appropriate technologies are developed for farmers. 

Here research, extension and farmers establish firm links by carrying together the assessment and refinement functions in the technology development and dissemination process. This helps the research system to generate a cafeteria of technologies, which are more productive in small 27 production system, more profitable in commercial production system and gender sensitive for removal of drudgery of farmwomen. Research and Extension are the integral part of Technology Development (IVLP).

The major objectives of IVLP as per ICAR guidelines are as follows:

 1. To introduce technological intervention with emphasis on stability and sustainability along with productivity of small production systems.

2. To introduce and integrate the appropriate technologies to sustain technological interventions and their integration to maintain productivity and profitability taking environmental issues into consideration in a comparatively well defined production system. 

3. To introduce and integrate the appropriate technologies to increase the agricultural productivity with marketable surplus in commercial on and off-farm production systems. 

4. To facilitate adoption of appropriate post-harvest technologies for conservation and on farm value addition to agricultural products, by-products and waste for greater economic dividend and national priorities. 

5. To facilitate adoption of appropriate technologies for removal of drudgery, increase efficiency and higher income of farm women. 

6. To monitor socio-economic impact of the technological intervention for different farm production system. 

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