Agricultural Development Programme | Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC) - Agri Info

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October 26, 2021

Agricultural Development Programme | Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC)

 Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC) 

ATIC has been conceived and put into practice since 1998-1999 under National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) sponsored by World Bank and implemented through 40 ICAR institutes and State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) located in various parts of the country.

The rationale behind establishment of ATIC has been :

a) Providing diagnostic services for soil testing, plant and livestock health

 b) Supplying research products such as seeds and other planting material, poultry strains, livestock breed, fish seed and processed products etc., emerging from the institution for testing and adaptation by various clientele 

c) Disseminating information through published literature and communication material as well as audio visual aids, and 

d) Providing an opportunity to the institutes/SAUs to have resource generation through the sale of their technologies.

Objectives of ATIC:

a) To provide a single window delivery system for the products and species available from an institution to the farmers and other interested groups as a process of innovativeness in technology dissemination at the institute level.

 b) To facilitate delivery access to the farmers to the institutional resource available in terms of technology, advice, products etc., for reducing dissemination losses 

c) To provide mechanism for feedback from the users to the institute. 

d) To offer consultancy services to the different stake holders

It is expected that if ATIC works with its full vigor and mandated objective there will be no doubt that farmers of India will be able to accomplish their covered goal and produce more with quality and with reduced cost and  will be competitive partner in the agriculture market in the context of World Trade Organization and Globalization of agriculture. Not only ATIC will help farmers to use modern technology for demand driven agriculture but also helps in developing viable, responsible and sustainable agriculture with linkages among research, extension and farmers’ system. 

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