Agricultural Development Programme | Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) - Agri Info

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October 25, 2021

Agricultural Development Programme | Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA)

 Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) 

A Centrally Sponsored Scheme to provide support to State Extension Reforms was launched by ICAR during 1999. Under the Innovation Technology Dissemination (ITD) component of NATP, ATMA was implemented in the country. Initially, ATMA was implemented on a pilot basis in four districts of each of the states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Orissa and Punjab. ATMA was launched under the guidance of National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad. On the basis of the evaluation report of Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow revealed that ATMA’s extension approaches have been proving to be promising in execution of the reforms and thus extended to other states of the country.

ATMA programme was launched in Karnataka during 2005-05 in districts namely, Bidar, Gulabarga, Koppal, Bijapur, Hassan,  Shimoga, Chamarajanagar and Kolar (undivided). During the year 2006-2007 ATMA programme was spread to Belgaum, Chitradurga, Chickamagalur and Kodagu districts. After 2007-2008, the remaining districts have been included under ATMA in the state.

ATMA is a registered society of key stakeholders (farmers, line/development departments, non government organizations, input dealers, mass media, agri-business companies, farmers organizations, etc.) involved in agriculture activities for sustainable agricultural development in the district. It provides flexible working environment and establishes effective integration of all the stakeholders at the district level.

Cafeteria of activities under ATMA includes;

a. Farmers oriented activities : 

(a)Developing Strategic and Extension Plan, 

(b) Organizing trainings, demonstrations and exposure visits etc.

 b. Farm information dissemination : 

(a) Organizing exhibitions, campaigns etc.,

(b) Information dissemination through printed leaflets/folders/bulletins etc, 

(c) Local advertisements etc

c. Research-Extension-Farmers linkage :

(a) Farmers scientists interaction, 

(b) Organising kissan gostis and field days, 

(c) Assessment, refinement and validation of front line technologies through Research centres/Krishi vignana kendras etc.,

d. Innovative activities  :

(a) Conducting farm schools, 

(b) Post graduate Diploma in Agriculture Extension Management, 

(c) Setting up of community radio station etc.

(e) Administrative expenses.

Objectives of ATMA

a. To strengthen Research-Extension-Farmers linkages 

b. To provide an effective mechanism for co-ordination and management of activities of different agencies involved in technology adoption/validation and dissemination at district level

c. To increase the quality and type of technologies being disseminated

d. To move towards shared ownership of the agricultural technology system by key stakeholders

e. To develop new partnership with the private institutions including non-government organizations.

f. Technology dissemination through farmers groups 

g. Increase agricultural production, productivity and income of farmers through intensification and diversification of agriculture production.

Specific features of ATMA are : 

• Demand driven farmer-based activities • Public private partnership for extension services

• Development of village level institutions like farmers associations, farmer’s interest groups or commodity interest groups.

• Creation of rural infrastructure and marketing

• Decentralized decision-making  and  bottom up approach

• Integrated farming system approach

• Market led addition

• Formation and strengthening of farmers’ interest group

• In-service training to increase staff competence.

Strategic Research and Extension Plan (SREP) Strategic planning in brief is ‘what is intended to be achieved in future’ and ‘how to get there’. Every district has to prepare the SREP for implementing ATMA in respective districts. The SREP is prepared through participatory methodologies such as Participatory Appraisal Techniques involving all the stake holders and farmers. 

The SREP contains detailed analysis of all the information on existing farming systems in the district and research-extension gaps required to be filled up. It also prioritizes the research-extension strategies within the district. It becomes the basis for development work plans at block/district level. 

State Extension Working Plan It is an annual plan based on Strategic Research and Extension Plan. It contains general and specific information about ATMA. It identifies the Extension and Research gaps and develops strategies to fulfill the Research and Extension gaps. It contains cafeteria of activities to be implemented each year. 

Advantages of ATMA:

• ATMA is more effective in technology dissemination as it encourages location-specific solutions keeping all the resources of the farmers in mind 

• ATMA seeks greater linkage with research and extension. ZRS must be more active in generating location specific and users friendly technologies.

• Involvement of women in both ATMA Governing body and Management Committee would bring about women empowerment. 

• Non –government organizations can a play a major role in educating farmers and also helps in formation of farmers organizations 

• ATMA has a effective feedback mechanism which help in better policy planning of the extension activities 

• The project director of ATMA could play a vita role in the coordination of the activities of sister departments in the district. He/she is the key person to ensure an integrated approach of technology generation, dissemination and utilization. 

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