1.Glycolysis is known as ? EMP Pathway
2. Cell Organiser is ? Nucleolus
3. Rice seed is know as? Caryopsis
4. Paddy inflorescence is ? Panicle
5. Fruit Ripening hormone is ? Ethylene
6. Hardness in woody tissue due to ? Lignin
7. International Rice Research Institute is located in ? Manila
8.Power House of cell ? Ribosome
9. Chipko movement is associated with ? S.L.Bahuguna
10.National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources is located in? Lucknow
11. In which sanctuary having maximum number of rare animals ? Manas National Park
12.Cereals deficient in lysine and rich in ? Methionine
13. Which crop grown for grain green manure and fodder? Cow Pea
14.Red Data Book is famous for ? Endangered animals and plants
15. Which factor highest effect annual losses of agriculture Production in India?
Weeds> Insects> Disease
16.The Shape of the growth curve is ? Sigmoid
17.Roasting coffee beans improve the content of ? Niacin
18. Spice bag is usually used for processing of ? Sauce
19. The forces that can change the frequency of an allele in a population are?
Random genetic drift, In breeding, Migration, Mutagenesis and selection
20.Bottom layer of deep fresh water habitat is ? Hypolimnion
21. World health organisation (WHO) aanounces the eradication of smallpox as a disease in which year? 1977
22.Obligate anaerobic Bacteria Grow? Without oxygen and produce low energy
23.The size of tractor tyre maybe represented up? Section thickness X Rim diameter
24.Which is matching set of Classification? Millipede, Crab, Centipede and Cockroach
25.Which technique are used in assaying monoclonal antibodies? Flow cytometry
26.Tumour causing viruses re know as? Tungro viruses
27. Sudden mass death of fishes by Oxyge depletion is more likely in ? Eutrophic lakes
28.Biosphere is made up with organism lithosphere atmosphere and ? Hydrosphere
29.A simple technique has been developed in India by usIng if which Bio-Fertilizer? Azotobacter and Rhizobium
30.Which is a rich source of protein is ? Spirulina
31.The anti codon region is present in ? t- RNA
32.Which is correct food chain ? Algae - Insert - Frog - Snake - Peacock
33. Pea seeds will germinate best if found in a jar containing? Oxygen
34.Measurement of the rate of oxygen consuming in unit volume of water over a period of time is carried out to determine? Biological Oxygen Demand
35.Obligate anaerobic bacteria grow? Without oxygen and produce low energy
36.Which is considered as Biological Paradise in India? Gulf of Mannar
37. Phenomenon where is a single gene has more than one phenotypic effect is know as? Pleiotropism
38.DNA and RNA are similar to each other because both of? Nucleotide polymers
39.When disease attacks many in a community simultaneously ? Epidemic
40.Beaten rice is also known as? Flaked Rice
41.Which synthetic polypeptides will form a triple helix? Pro-Gly- Gly
42.Rate of Photosynthesis is higher in which light? Red
43. Botanical name of Pearl Millet? Pennisetum typhoides
44.The largest herbarium located in India? Kolkata
45. International Convention on Biological Diversity was ratified in the year ? 1994
46.Machine used for dehusk of pulse? Energy Roll Dehusker
47.Reptiles and Birds excreted nitrogen in the form of? Uric Acid
48. Red Orange colour of saffron due to ? Crocetin
49. Insect excrete in the form of uric acid because most of them are? Terrestrial
50.The term microbiology given by ? Louis Pasteur
51. A Sclerotium refers to a modified mycelium which is ? Hard resting body
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