Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2015 - Agri Info

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October 8, 2021

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2015

1.Power tiller is? Rotatory Implement

2. Milk fever in cow due to ? Calcium Deficiency

3.Somatic embryogenesis is ? Germ line cells developing into embryos

4.Which breed of buffalo has maximum amount of  fat in milk is ? Bhadawari

5.Age at which white leghorn starts laying eggs? 5-6 months

6.Soil with pH less than 3.5? Ultra acidic soil

7.The storage oil of seeds are called as? Triacyl glycerol

8.Depth of shallow tillage according to the CRIDA is? 5-6 cm

9.Percentage of clay in sandy loam? 0-20%

10.Soybean root (Which type) - Deeply rooted

11.Water loss in air least in -Drip irrigation

12.Size of Mould Board Plough determines? Width of Cut

13.Mulching is ? Conservative tillage

14.ASPEE Is related to ? Sprayer

15.Study of grasses? Agrostology

16.Olericulture is study of ? Vegetables

17.Dapog method is? Nursery Preparation

18.Tractor working hours? 10000 Hours

19.Which one of the following is high pressure sprayer ? Gear pump

20.Red label on fertilizer box indicates ? Extremely toxic

21.Minimum level of water erosion? Splash erosion

22.Disc angle of disc plough ? 42-45

23.Seedless variety of Grapes? Thompson

24. Micro nutrient ? Mn, Zn, Cu

25. Size of Coarse Sand Particle - 2mm -0.2 mm

26.Crop intensity of Wheat -paddy ? 200%

27.Plantation system having one tree at the center? Quincunx

28.Which is best irrigation -minimum loss of water? Drip Irrigation

29.Temperature for Milk Storage? 4°C

30. Area of micro irrigation is - 2000ha

31.Apex body of agricultural marketing ? NAFED

32.Water conservation is studied under ? Soil Science

33.Power tiller ? Rotatory type

34.Reason for seed -lessness in fruit ?Embryo Abortion

35.Zero tillage means? Neither primary nor secondary

36.Rinder pest is not a disease of ? Poultry

37.PLP initiated by ? NABARD, GOI, RRB

38.Rotavator is involved in which type of tillage? Secondary tillage

39.Disc harrow is involved in which kind of tillage? Secondary Tillage

40.Root-rot disease related to ? Ground nut

41.Critical irrigation stage for wheat? CRI

42.Vaishali is the variety of ? Tomato

43.Jwale is the variety of ? Chilli

44.Pusakranti is the variety of ? Brinjal

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