Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2017 - Agri Info

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October 10, 2021

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2017

1.Hen required how much sq/ft as per NABARD norms? 1 sqft

2.Shallow depth ? 5-10 Cm

3.The method in which seed is sown and closed by soil in an regular process? Sowing behind plough

4.Organic farming in India get how much amount of loan? 10000 per hac

5.Wheat production in India? 96.64 Million tones

6.What is maximum temperature for wheat crop? 25 °C

7.Citrus cracking is due to ? Deficiency of Boron

8.Defiency symptoms of which nutrient first appears on older or lower leaves? Nitrogen (N)

9.Which one of the following is a variety of Onion ? Agri Found

10.What is the aggregate loan limit from banking system for the category of food and agro processing under  ancillary agriculture under priority sector lending? 100 Crore

11.What is the target for lending to small and marginal farmers within the target for agriculture sector by domestic scheduled commercial bank by march 2017 bank credit or credit equivalent amount of off balance sheet exposure whichever is higher as per RBI guidelines? 8%

12.In farmer has to pay interest on 3 lakh loan, after interest subvention farmer have to pay what % in interest? Only 4%

13.In which method of seed sowing, seed is manage to sown at required depth in a hole? Dibbling

14.Which state / union territory has minimum % of area? Daman & Diu

15.What is the plant population for medium cotton crop? 55000 Plant

16.No till planter is used for ? Sowing

17.Which soil is maximum in hills and gigantic plans? Lateritic Soil

18.Which one of the following is calculated in quintal per ha? Cost of production

19.Money allocated for 1 ha horticulture crop as per national horticulture mission programme? 15 Lakh per Nursery

20. Black heart of potato is a ? Oxygen deficiency Disorder

21.Ideal minimum termprature for wheat crop? 5-10°C 

22.Khapra beetle is related to ? Storage food grain pest

23.Causal agent of bacterial spot in citrus? Xathomonas compestris pv Citrumelo

24.How many Soil Health Card has been distributed so far? 4.25 crore

25. MB plough for tractor pull can work in per day ( 2 bottom)? 1.5-2.0 ha per day

26.Causal agent of Black mildew in mango? Meliola mangiferae

27.J & k , Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh lies under which agro climatic zone? Western Himalayas

28.Highest fat %(Milk) in buffalo breed? Bhadawari (13%)

29.Life span of coconut in year for coconut palm? 30-50 years

30.Temperate crop? Wheat

31.Element useful for root growth ? Phosphorus

32.How much % of subside given by govt. of India for 10 hp Pump? 10000 and 50%

33.ICAR was established in the year ? 16th July 1929

34.Re-infiltration through soil surface is called ? Percolation

35.Which nutrient help in a cholorophyll formation and enzyme? Manganese (Mn)

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