
Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2014

1.What are Aldicarb and Phorate ? Systemic Poison

2. For Making sandy soil compact ? Conserve Water

3. Which nitrogen fixation is symbiosis ? Rhizobium

4. Water use efficiency in drip irrigation ? 90%

5.Which crop is sensitive for saline soil ? Potato

6.Carbon content in humus? 58%

7.Which is internal seed borne disease? Loose smut

8.Seed treatment for loose smut? Carboxin

9.USA native poultry breed ? Rhode Island Red

10.Relative humidity measured by? Psychrometer

11.Seed rate of winter pigeon pea? 22-25kg/ha

12. Crop required More water and survive low oxygen? Paddy

13.Largest Fruit producing state in India? Maharastra

14.Which is shallow root crop? Onion

15.NPK Ratio in cereal crop? 4:2:1

16.National agricultural insurance scheme started in? 1999

17.Black colour Soil rich in ? Calcium carbonate, Magnesium & Potassium

18.Breed and milk Fat content? Holistrian friesian - 4% fat in milk

19.Plant part used frequently for production? Ex Plant

20. Rainy  season maize sowing time? 15 June to 15 July 

21.Yellow colour of soil due to ? Silica

22.Red colour of Soil due to ? Iron Oxide

23. Indian Agriculture contribution in world trade? Approximately 1%

24.Isolation distance in Cotton Foundation seed ? 50 meter

25.Seed rate of winter pigeon pea? 12- 15kg

26. Non environmental physical character of soil ? pH

27.Cropping intensity of India?  136%

28. Availability of Calcium and Magnesium more at pH? 7.5 To 8.5

29.Instrument used in secondary tillage ? Harrow

30.Best milk producing breed of cow in India? Sahiwal

31.Best wool yielding sheep? Merino (Native Spain )

32.Seedless variety of grapes? Sharad seedless

33.which type of faming is adopted in hilly area  ?  Contour Farming

34.Red soil has ? Poor drainage capacity

35.Planting spacing of Kabuli chana? 30 x 15 cm

36.Nitrogen content in vermi compost ? 3%

37.Sunflower planting spacing? 30 x 15cm

38.Central Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute (CFMT & TI)Situated at ?      Budni (Bhopal)


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