Vegetable prices in Delhi rise 25%, wholesalers blame rain and rising fuel prices - Agri Info

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October 12, 2021

Vegetable prices in Delhi rise 25%, wholesalers blame rain and rising fuel prices

 The state capital is experiencing a 25% increase in vegetable prices, infuriating wholesalers who claim that rain and a rise in fuel prices are the main reasons behind the price increase.

Adil Khan, president of Azadpur Agricultural Market, said: “Generally, the prices of vegetables go up after the rainy season. But this time the situation is a little different. The way fuel prices are rising is causing problems Vegetables arriving in Delhi come from other states. And from Azadpur Mandi it is shipped to NCR and North India. Due to the rise in diesel prices, the price increased by 15 percent ”.

“The effects are shown like this in vegetables and fruits. The price that went up due to the rainy season will go down over time, but I think the price that went up for diesel will go down when the central government cuts fuel prices, "Khan said.

" The situation in Azadpur Mandi is that they have to buying vegetables from distant places as crops in neighboring states have been spoiled by the rain. When the new harvests arrive, the prices of vegetables will go down. There will certainly be a drop in vegetable prices later this month. In general, vegetable prices increase by 10-15% after monsoons and decrease when new crops arrive. But this time it went up 25 because of the increase in fuel prices, "Khan added.

Mahesh, a wholesaler from Okhla Mandi, said:" Tomatoes used to cost 1020 rupees in the wholesale market, now it is 40 rupees, the reason is a increased rains in Maharashtra and Karnataka, where all crops have been damaged. That's why prices have gone up. "
" An increase in fuel prices is also one of the reasons, but the main reason for the increase in vegetable prices is the rain. The work is less than before. We don't have much work. Products sell, but not the way they used to be. People have no money. After Covid, everyone is lost. A person who used to buy 1 kg of tomatoes will now buy 250 g. People are consuming less because prices have risen, ”he added.
Abdul Rasheed, another Okhla Mandi wholesaler, said: “There is inflation. Consumption is less. The goods that go on the market are less. Fuel prices are going up. It has a direct impact on the cost of goods. There is no income. The goods are not for sale. Everyone is worried be it consumers or be it, sellers. Business is finished".
Abrar Ahmed, a wholesaler at Okhla Mandi said, "The price of Ridged Gourd (Tori) is 2030 rupees per kg. Earlier we used to get it at 1214 rupees. We used to sell it at 1516 rupees and earn 12 rupees from it. Today the price is 30 rupees. So if we give a customer the price of Rs 40, they refuse to buy it. It is not just the vegetables that are expensive. There is inflation in everything, be it oil, grain, "said Ahmed.

Mohammad Yameen, a wholesaler from Okhla Mandi, said:" A fortnight ago the price of onions was 2025 rupees per kg. Today the price is Rs 3035 kg. One of the reasons for the price increase is the rain. Crops are damaged by rain in Karnataka, Rajasthan, Haryana. Another reason why transportation costs increased. Another reason why transportation costs increased. Customers come, but fewer goods are sold. "

Gasoline in Delhi costs Rs 104.44 per liter, while diesel is available for Rs 93.17. In Mumbai, gasoline costs Rs 110.41, while diesel is available for Rs. Diesel costs Rs 101.03.

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