Agri Info: IBPS - Previous year Q & A

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Showing posts with label IBPS - Previous year Q & A. Show all posts

October 10, 2021

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2017

October 10, 2021 0

1.Hen required how much sq/ft as per NABARD norms? 1 sqft

2.Shallow depth ? 5-10 Cm

3.The method in which seed is sown and closed by soil in an regular process? Sowing behind plough

4.Organic farming in India get how much amount of loan? 10000 per hac

5.Wheat production in India? 96.64 Million tones

6.What is maximum temperature for wheat crop? 25 °C

7.Citrus cracking is due to ? Deficiency of Boron

8.Defiency symptoms of which nutrient first appears on older or lower leaves? Nitrogen (N)

9.Which one of the following is a variety of Onion ? Agri Found

10.What is the aggregate loan limit from banking system for the category of food and agro processing under  ancillary agriculture under priority sector lending? 100 Crore

11.What is the target for lending to small and marginal farmers within the target for agriculture sector by domestic scheduled commercial bank by march 2017 bank credit or credit equivalent amount of off balance sheet exposure whichever is higher as per RBI guidelines? 8%

12.In farmer has to pay interest on 3 lakh loan, after interest subvention farmer have to pay what % in interest? Only 4%

13.In which method of seed sowing, seed is manage to sown at required depth in a hole? Dibbling

14.Which state / union territory has minimum % of area? Daman & Diu

15.What is the plant population for medium cotton crop? 55000 Plant

16.No till planter is used for ? Sowing

17.Which soil is maximum in hills and gigantic plans? Lateritic Soil

18.Which one of the following is calculated in quintal per ha? Cost of production

19.Money allocated for 1 ha horticulture crop as per national horticulture mission programme? 15 Lakh per Nursery

20. Black heart of potato is a ? Oxygen deficiency Disorder

21.Ideal minimum termprature for wheat crop? 5-10°C 

22.Khapra beetle is related to ? Storage food grain pest

23.Causal agent of bacterial spot in citrus? Xathomonas compestris pv Citrumelo

24.How many Soil Health Card has been distributed so far? 4.25 crore

25. MB plough for tractor pull can work in per day ( 2 bottom)? 1.5-2.0 ha per day

26.Causal agent of Black mildew in mango? Meliola mangiferae

27.J & k , Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh lies under which agro climatic zone? Western Himalayas

28.Highest fat %(Milk) in buffalo breed? Bhadawari (13%)

29.Life span of coconut in year for coconut palm? 30-50 years

30.Temperate crop? Wheat

31.Element useful for root growth ? Phosphorus

32.How much % of subside given by govt. of India for 10 hp Pump? 10000 and 50%

33.ICAR was established in the year ? 16th July 1929

34.Re-infiltration through soil surface is called ? Percolation

35.Which nutrient help in a cholorophyll formation and enzyme? Manganese (Mn)

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2020

October 10, 2021 0

1.What is the Botanical name of Pomegranate? Punica granatum

2.In which state of India has highest forest area? Madhya Pradesh

3.What is the average gestation period of Buffalo? 310± 5 days

4.A female pig which does not give birth to individuals is called as ? Gilt

5.Which is the propagation method used for the propagation of "Banana crop"? Sword suckers

6.Mating in sheep is called ? Tupping

7.What is isolation required for foundation seed production of okra?  400m

8.Land holding of small scale farmers? 1-2 ha

9.Vertisoil is highest found in which state? Maharashtra

10.Bt cotton protect of the cotton crop from which insect ? Bollworm

11.Macronutrient ? N,P,K

12.Illuviation process is related to which horizon?  B Horizon

13.Golden revolution is related to ? Fruits

14.New leaf of plant show yellow symptoms and vein remain green is caused by the deficiency of which nutrient? Mn

15.Blue tag is related to which type seed? Certified seed

16.Symbiosis nitrogen fixation? Rhizobium

17.Germination percentage of Wheat?  85%

18.Study of gardening tree to make shade and shape is called ? Arboriculture

19.Which is drought and low milch indigenous Cow breed ? Khillari

20.Tropical fruit ? Papaya

21.What is the place which is used for feeding of lamb, calves and piglet but not used for adults is known as?  Creep

22.NRLM Scheme now known as? DAY-NRLM

23.Type of silkworm that breed only one time in a year? Univolatine strain

24.Milk is which type of emulsion? Oil in water

25.Which is irregular variety of Mango? Kesar

26.Which institution is established to provide vocational training to farmers and field level extension workers? KVK

27.Mating of wider degree range of relationship not close to one another and result in uniformity is ?

 Out breeding

28. Sodium deficiency in animal / cow symptoms and causes what? Dehydration and fluid reduction

29.In which grafting root stock debarred 45 cm from ground level two slopes cut given and wedge is made tongue shape scion inserted? Wedge grafting

30.Lay farming is related to ? Leguminous pasture with grain crops

31.Vaccine is given to sheep at an interval of ? 6 month

32.Which fungus role in biological control agent in cotton boll warm? Beauveria bassiana

33.What is the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of standard broiler chicken reared in an enclosed house? 1.5-1.9

34.Sil strength is measured by which instrument? Penetrometer

35.Hormone responsible for the milk let down? Oxytocin

36.The technique which reduce soil erotion, evaporation, kinetic energy impact of rain drops is known as? Mulching

37.Ley farming is refers? Grow of grass

38.Which is not bacterial disease in ? Coccidiosis

39.Vaccine for Ranikhet disease in poultry ? Lasota

40.Online electronic trading of agricultural commodities through which platform? E-NAM

41.Which oil cake is used in fish pond to kill predatory insects? Mahua

42.Aphid is vector for which disease of tobacco? Cucumber Mosaic Virus

43.Vaccination for Foot & mouth disease in sheep is given how many months once? 6 month

44.Which are the diagnostic symptoms of sorghum shoot fly? Larvae cut in growing point and cause dead heart

45.Removal of male flower in Banana after completion of the female phase? Denavelling

46. Pulsing? Post harvesting operation

47.Crown cleaning is related to ? Coconut

48.Highest lactation period of goat breed? Jamunapari

49.Grape training system where they are connected with each other? Teleephone

50.Regrowth of crop from stubble is known as ? Ratooning

51.White Muscardine Disease related to? Silkworm

52. Finger like structure are formed in which erosion? Rill erosion

53.Honey bee.- unfertilized eggs develops in to worker bee, Caterpillar of wax moth feed only on honey comb does not feed on bees., superseder queen bee can be developed from worker bees during unfavorable conditions.

54.Which sex trap is used to trap male insects ? Pheromone Trap

55. Which sheep breed of north west India known for best quality white wool? Magra

56.Soil moisture decreased to wilting point water held tightly by soil particles condition is called?

Hygroscopic co efficient

57.Guava pest which deposit eggs on soft skin of ripening fruit, on hatching maggot bore in to fruit and feed on the soft pulp, the infested show depressions with dark green puncher and when cut opens the maggots are visible and finally fruit rot and fall? Fruit Fly

58.Which medicinal plant is know as laxative medicinal plant? Isabgol

59.In Which planting system 4 plant are planted in a square in which plant to plant and row to row distance is same and plants are planted to right angle to each other? Square

60.Which of the following disease of rose grayish white powdery patches are seen on the tender leaves and flower buds, mature leaves get malformed and flower bud fail to open and plant present wilted appearance? Powdery mildew

61.A zone within the earth that restricts the flow of ground water from one aquifer to another? Aquifuse

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2021

October 10, 2021 0

1.Which crops botanical name is Oryza sativa? Rice

2.What is the uniform premium rate for all rabi crops as per PMFBY ? 1.5%

3.Pungency in Onion due to Which compound? Allyl propyl disulphide

4.Blossom end rot is problem in _____ due to deficiency of ________? Tomato & Ca

5. Effluent Treatment of Pond Required for ? Reduce the organic content and remove pathogens from pond

6.As per the PFA, SNF in cow milk is  ? 8.5%

7. Piercing and sucking mouth parts found in which order ?  Hemiptera

8.The superiority of F1 hybrid in one or more characters over its parents is known as? Heterosis

9.ICMR recommendation of vegetables in grams? 300 gram

10.In which scheme direct farmer get Rs.6000 support by the government annually ? PM- Kisan

11.Pendimethalin used against ?  Weed

12.Act of Parturition of sow, is called as? Farrowing

13.Rm (Reichert - Meissl Number) Test is done to check purity of?  Ghee

14.Water holding capacity in descending order? Clay > Silt > Sand

15.Symptoms of powdery mildew of Pea is first appeared on? Leaves

16.Family of Mustard ? Cruciferae

17.Process which soften the seed coat to water and gas? Scarification

18.When hybrid by protoplasmic fusion two different species / varieties know as? Somatic Hybridization

19.The principal of this technique is the generation of nitrogen cycle by maintaining higher C:N ratio through stimulating heterotopic microbial growth, which assimilates the nitrogenous waste that can e exploited by the cultured spices as a feed? Bio-floc fish farming

20.Milk fever is caused due to the deficiency of ? Ca 

21.Which of the following housing system is used in commercial layer farming cage system in poultry having dimensions 14x16 inches or 17 inches? Battery Method

22.Continuous seed sowing in row and covered by soil ? Drilling consists of dropping the seeds in furrow lines in a continuous flow and covering them with soil

23. Other name of  Coconut Beetle? Rhinoceros beetle

24.Which seed is progeny of breeder seed? Foundation seed

25.Secretion of milk by glandular secretory tissue of milk animals & their collection in the various system terminating its let down ---- specific stimuli ? Lactation

26.Sugarcane ratooning compared to pure crop? More N required

27.In Maharastra Karnatak, and AP Grape Wines are pruned twice in the month of ______ & ____? April - May & October - November

28.In pomegranate disorder that cannot be identified externally,   Whereas the arils become soft, light creamy - brown to dark blackish - brown and unfit for consumption ? Internal breakdown of Pomogranate

29.Parallel and anti parallel lines in DNA helix is connected with which bond?  Hydrogen Bond

30.Annammox is one of the step of ? N cycle

31.The off type crop varieties in main crop known as ? Rouging

32.What is Zoonosis?  Diseases Transfer animals to humans

33. Fat globule break in uniform size? Homogenization

34.Tree + crop + pasture known as ? Agrosilvopastural system

35.Scratching, rubbing and softening seed coat to make it permeable for water is called? Scarification

36. Sedimentary rock ? Lime stone, sand stone, dolomite

37.Buffalo milk is whiter than cow milk why ? beta - carotene pigment gets converted to colorless pigment

38. 2-4 D used as? Herbicide

39.Which is European bee?  Apis Mellifera

40.Mould board instrument used for ? Ploughing

41.Soil moisture is measured by which instrument ? Tensiometer

42.Pre seasonal planting of sugarcane followed in Maharashtra and Karnataka ? September - October

43.Who recommends the MSP and issue prices? Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)

44.Late blight is the disease of ? Potato

45.What is smother crop? Rapidly growing crop that is used to suppress or stop the growth of weed

46.Mandi is a type of market ? Primary Type

47.Mayer Published a paper in 1886 on the disease, which he named " Mosaic Disease of Which Crop" and described its symptoms in detail? Tobacco

48.Reclamation of Alkali soils by using? Gypsum

49. Which is Host of Japanese encephalitis? Mosquito

50.Buffalo breed from Gujarat and have sickle shaped horn? Surati

51.Friut of Pineapple known as ? Sorosis

52. The credit for success of KVK goes to ? Mangla Rai

53. Which of the following chemical used for Polyploidy Breeding? Colchicin

54.Cross of two different breeds alternatively ? Criss Cross

55.Rating is a process of which crop? Rice

56.Fruit of Rose Known as? Hips

57.Process of separation of silk from cocoon? Reeling

58. Anthareae mylitta is ? Tropical tasar

59.Protein Present in milk?  Sericin

60. Bordeaux mixture contains? Cu

October 8, 2021

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2016

October 08, 2021 0

 1. Which state is first in production and area of Potato is ? Uttarakhand

2.Which of the following variety of potato is cultivated mostly in Kharif Season ? Agri found dark red

3.Hollow heart and black heart disease of potato is due to? Physiological disorder

4.Milk Fever is also know as ? Parturient paresis

5.Which is used to separate link from cotton seed ? Sulphuric acid 

6.Central agricultural university located at ? Imphal

7.Little leaf of mango is caused due to deficiency of ? Zinc

8.Seed rate of fodder purpose Maize? 50kg/ha

9. Early maturity variety of Maize? JKMH-1701

10.Trichogramma is ? Egg parasitoid

11.Storage Grain Pest ? Khapra Beetle

12.Most Efficient method to control storage grain pest ? Fumigant / Fumigation

13.pH of alkali soil is ? >8

14.Grape variety which has highest area under cultivation in India? Thomson Seedless

15.The rate of water absorption by plant is decreased due to deficiency of ? Iron

16.No till planter is used for ? Dibbling

17.Which of the following breed produces good quality carpet wool? Chokla

18.Conversion factor or bemlin factor for organic matter ? 1.72

19.Drip irrigation - High fertilizer use efficiency, Low cost utilization, High cost efficiency

20.Easily available water to plant ? Capillary water

21.Which fruit crop mostly propagated by micropropagation? Banana

22.Famous variety if mandarin? Nagpur

23.Propping - Banana

24.Primilin,vikram and chakradhar are the variety of ? Lime

25.Triacylglycerols are stored in ? Oleosins

26.Indian institute of Pulses research is located at ? Kanpur

27.Indian Journal of Agriculture Research ? Monthly

28.Fertilizer Journal of India is published by ? The Fertilizers Association of India

29.National research center of ground nut is now renamed as directorate of ground nut research and is located at? Jamnagar

30. AGMARK ? Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing Act)

31.Vasantrao Naik Award for ? Dry farming and its development

32.Nationl Agriculture Insurance Company was founded in year? 2002

33.Which vegetable's export was maximum in 2014-15? Onion

34.Aluminum Phosphate is ? Rodenticide

35.Cost of growing crop is know  as ? Cost of Cultivation

36.Primary Tillage Implement ? Wooden Plough

37.Yield of Oat? 2 -3 ton/ha

38.Apple cultivation Spacing ? 8 m x 8m

39.Variety suitable for high density planting variety of Mango ? Amrapali

40.Langhra & dasheri mango are available in market in the month of ? June-July

41.Best time for sowing of cuttings of grapes in North India ? Jan- Feb

42.Best time for grapes pruning in North India ? October - November 

43. Die back of Citrus caused due to deficiency of  ? Copper 

44.Spacing for dwarf Cavendish of Banana ? 1.5 m x 1.5 m

45.Highest fat content in the butter of ? Badavari

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2015

October 08, 2021 0

1.Power tiller is? Rotatory Implement

2. Milk fever in cow due to ? Calcium Deficiency

3.Somatic embryogenesis is ? Germ line cells developing into embryos

4.Which breed of buffalo has maximum amount of  fat in milk is ? Bhadawari

5.Age at which white leghorn starts laying eggs? 5-6 months

6.Soil with pH less than 3.5? Ultra acidic soil

7.The storage oil of seeds are called as? Triacyl glycerol

8.Depth of shallow tillage according to the CRIDA is? 5-6 cm

9.Percentage of clay in sandy loam? 0-20%

10.Soybean root (Which type) - Deeply rooted

11.Water loss in air least in -Drip irrigation

12.Size of Mould Board Plough determines? Width of Cut

13.Mulching is ? Conservative tillage

14.ASPEE Is related to ? Sprayer

15.Study of grasses? Agrostology

16.Olericulture is study of ? Vegetables

17.Dapog method is? Nursery Preparation

18.Tractor working hours? 10000 Hours

19.Which one of the following is high pressure sprayer ? Gear pump

20.Red label on fertilizer box indicates ? Extremely toxic

21.Minimum level of water erosion? Splash erosion

22.Disc angle of disc plough ? 42-45

23.Seedless variety of Grapes? Thompson

24. Micro nutrient ? Mn, Zn, Cu

25. Size of Coarse Sand Particle - 2mm -0.2 mm

26.Crop intensity of Wheat -paddy ? 200%

27.Plantation system having one tree at the center? Quincunx

28.Which is best irrigation -minimum loss of water? Drip Irrigation

29.Temperature for Milk Storage? 4°C

30. Area of micro irrigation is - 2000ha

31.Apex body of agricultural marketing ? NAFED

32.Water conservation is studied under ? Soil Science

33.Power tiller ? Rotatory type

34.Reason for seed -lessness in fruit ?Embryo Abortion

35.Zero tillage means? Neither primary nor secondary

36.Rinder pest is not a disease of ? Poultry

37.PLP initiated by ? NABARD, GOI, RRB

38.Rotavator is involved in which type of tillage? Secondary tillage

39.Disc harrow is involved in which kind of tillage? Secondary Tillage

40.Root-rot disease related to ? Ground nut

41.Critical irrigation stage for wheat? CRI

42.Vaishali is the variety of ? Tomato

43.Jwale is the variety of ? Chilli

44.Pusakranti is the variety of ? Brinjal

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2014

October 08, 2021 0

1.What are Aldicarb and Phorate ? Systemic Poison

2. For Making sandy soil compact ? Conserve Water

3. Which nitrogen fixation is symbiosis ? Rhizobium

4. Water use efficiency in drip irrigation ? 90%

5.Which crop is sensitive for saline soil ? Potato

6.Carbon content in humus? 58%

7.Which is internal seed borne disease? Loose smut

8.Seed treatment for loose smut? Carboxin

9.USA native poultry breed ? Rhode Island Red

10.Relative humidity measured by? Psychrometer

11.Seed rate of winter pigeon pea? 22-25kg/ha

12. Crop required More water and survive low oxygen? Paddy

13.Largest Fruit producing state in India? Maharastra

14.Which is shallow root crop? Onion

15.NPK Ratio in cereal crop? 4:2:1

16.National agricultural insurance scheme started in? 1999

17.Black colour Soil rich in ? Calcium carbonate, Magnesium & Potassium

18.Breed and milk Fat content? Holistrian friesian - 4% fat in milk

19.Plant part used frequently for production? Ex Plant

20. Rainy  season maize sowing time? 15 June to 15 July 

21.Yellow colour of soil due to ? Silica

22.Red colour of Soil due to ? Iron Oxide

23. Indian Agriculture contribution in world trade? Approximately 1%

24.Isolation distance in Cotton Foundation seed ? 50 meter

25.Seed rate of winter pigeon pea? 12- 15kg

26. Non environmental physical character of soil ? pH

27.Cropping intensity of India?  136%

28. Availability of Calcium and Magnesium more at pH? 7.5 To 8.5

29.Instrument used in secondary tillage ? Harrow

30.Best milk producing breed of cow in India? Sahiwal

31.Best wool yielding sheep? Merino (Native Spain )

32.Seedless variety of grapes? Sharad seedless

33.which type of faming is adopted in hilly area  ?  Contour Farming

34.Red soil has ? Poor drainage capacity

35.Planting spacing of Kabuli chana? 30 x 15 cm

36.Nitrogen content in vermi compost ? 3%

37.Sunflower planting spacing? 30 x 15cm

38.Central Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute (CFMT & TI)Situated at ?      Budni (Bhopal)

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2013

October 08, 2021 0

 Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2013

1.Pusa Sanyog is Variety of ? Cucumber

2. Shattering process is related to ? Soyabean

3. Highest area of food crop in India ? Mango

4. For best chicken hen breed is ? White leghorn

5. Central sheep and wool institute situated in ? Ambika Nagar (Rajasthan)

6.Total essential nutrient of plant? 17

7. Yellow spot in citrus due to ? Molybdenum

8. Nitrogen requirement for tobacco crop?  30-40 Kg/ha

9.Seed rate of pure mustard crop? 5-6 kg/ha

10.Spacing of chickpea? 30x10cm

11.CN Ratio of normal soil ? 10-12:1

12.Largest fish producing state in India? Andhra Pradesh

13.Tilt angle of disc plough? 15-25o

14.Test weight of Ground nut? 200-300 gram.

15.National Commission on farmer is started in? 2004

16.Highest coffee production state? Karnataka

17.Highest soil salinity tolerant crop is? Barley

18.Cholai is the weed of ? Bajra, Jowar, Maize

19.Seed rate of Tomato ? 400-500 gram/ha

20.Sod culture is related to ? Grass

21.Highest calcium found in ? Litchi

22.Contribution of agriculture in GDP? 13.7%

23.Who is the chairman of NABARD ? 
                  Harshkumar bhanwala -2013 (Dr. G.R. Chintala - 2020)

24.Buttoning of Cauliflower due to ? Nitrogen Deficiency

25. Downy Mildew of Maize due to ? Fungus

26.Total number of KVK in India? 722 -May 2021

27. For larger size seed which implement is used for sowing? Planter

28.Indian Institute of soil and water conservation is situated ? Dehradum

29.Groundwater level is measured by ? Piezometer

30.Pig breed famous for meat and giving piglets? White yorkshire

31.Egg colour depends on? Xanthophyll

October 7, 2021

Agricultural Field Officer Memory Based Previous Year Question and Answer 2012

October 07, 2021 0

1.Glycolysis is known as ? EMP Pathway

2. Cell Organiser is ? Nucleolus

3. Rice seed is know as? Caryopsis

4. Paddy inflorescence is ? Panicle 

5. Fruit Ripening hormone is ? Ethylene

6. Hardness in woody tissue due to ? Lignin

7. International Rice Research Institute is located in ? Manila

8.Power House of cell ? Ribosome

9. Chipko movement is associated with ? S.L.Bahuguna

10.National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources is located in? Lucknow

11. In which sanctuary having maximum number of rare animals ? Manas National Park

12.Cereals deficient in lysine and rich in ? Methionine

13. Which crop grown for grain green manure and fodder? Cow Pea

14.Red Data Book is famous for ? Endangered animals and plants

15. Which factor highest effect annual losses of agriculture Production in India?

Weeds> Insects> Disease

16.The Shape of the growth curve is ? Sigmoid

17.Roasting coffee beans improve the content of ? Niacin

18. Spice bag is usually used for processing of ? Sauce

19. The forces that can change the frequency of an allele in a population are? 

Random genetic drift, In breeding, Migration, Mutagenesis and selection

20.Bottom layer of deep fresh water habitat is ? Hypolimnion

21. World health organisation (WHO) aanounces the eradication of smallpox as a disease in which year? 1977

22.Obligate anaerobic Bacteria Grow? Without oxygen and produce low energy

23.The size of tractor tyre maybe represented up? Section thickness X Rim diameter

24.Which is matching set of Classification? Millipede, Crab, Centipede and Cockroach

25.Which technique are used in assaying monoclonal antibodies? Flow cytometry

26.Tumour causing viruses re know as? Tungro viruses

27. Sudden mass death of fishes by Oxyge depletion is more likely in ? Eutrophic lakes

28.Biosphere is made up with organism lithosphere  atmosphere and ? Hydrosphere

29.A simple technique has been developed in India by usIng if which Bio-Fertilizer? Azotobacter and Rhizobium

30.Which is a rich source of protein is ? Spirulina

31.The anti codon region is present in ? t- RNA

32.Which is correct food chain ? Algae - Insert - Frog - Snake - Peacock

33. Pea seeds will germinate best if found in a jar containing? Oxygen

34.Measurement of the rate of oxygen consuming in unit volume of water over a period of time is carried out to determine? Biological Oxygen Demand

35.Obligate anaerobic bacteria grow? Without oxygen and produce low energy

36.Which is considered as Biological Paradise in India? Gulf of Mannar

37. Phenomenon where is a single gene has more than one phenotypic effect is know as? Pleiotropism

38.DNA and RNA are similar to each other because both of? Nucleotide polymers

39.When disease attacks many in a community simultaneously ? Epidemic

40.Beaten rice is also known as? Flaked Rice

41.Which synthetic polypeptides will form a triple helix?  Pro-Gly- Gly

42.Rate of Photosynthesis is higher in which light? Red

43. Botanical name of Pearl Millet? Pennisetum typhoides

44.The largest herbarium located in India? Kolkata

45. International Convention on Biological Diversity was ratified in the year ? 1994

46.Machine used for dehusk of pulse? Energy Roll Dehusker

47.Reptiles and Birds excreted nitrogen in the form of? Uric Acid

48. Red Orange colour of saffron due to ? Crocetin

49. Insect excrete in the form of uric acid because most of them are? Terrestrial 

50.The term microbiology given by ? Louis Pasteur

51. A Sclerotium refers to a modified mycelium which is ? Hard resting body