Agri Info: Plant Breeding

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Showing posts with label Plant Breeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plant Breeding. Show all posts

September 9, 2021

Daily Dosage - Plant Breeding Oneliner For All Competitive Exams

September 09, 2021 0

Plant Breeding Oneliner  For All Competitive Exams

1. Monogenic traits show which type of variation: Discontineous 
2. Purpose of Bagging is to prevent: Cross-pollination
3. Purpose of Emasculation is to prevent: Self-pollination
4. Among Pollen grain and female gamete which is more sensitive to environmental disturbance: Pollen grain
5. Protoandry condition found in Maize crop
6. Protogyne condition found in Bajra crop
7. Clipping method of emasculation done in Rice crop.
8. Examples of CHAs: Sodium Methyl Arsenate (MG2), Ethephon, GA3,  Hybrex
9. Circular tag size: 3 cm dia. 
10.Rectangular tag size: 3 x 2 cm
11.In Maize, bajra, Jowar tag size is: 6 x 3 cm
12.Octaploid Triticale is a cross between: Hexaploid Wheat X Tetraploid  Rye
13.‘Law of homologous series of variation’ is also called as: ‘Law of parallel  variation’ 
14.‘Law of homologous series of variation’ was given by: N. I. Vavilov
15.Frequency of plants heterozygous for different no. of genes in a segregating   generation is obtained by the formula: [1+(2m-1)]n
16.Frequency of completely homozygous plant in any segregating generation  
by the formula: [(2m-1)/2m]n
17.The primitive cultivars which are selected and cultivated by the farmer for  many generations called: Land races
18.Phenotype of an individual influenced by: Both genotype & Environment
19.Self-pollination pollination is the most intense form of Inbreeding.
20.Scientific name of Johannsen’s research crop: Phaseolus vulgaris (Rajma/ French bean)
21.In cotton which type of emasculation mostly followed: Thumb and nail method
22.Which type of male sterility system recently developed in cotton: CGMS
23.Full name of CIMMYT: Centro-International de Mezoramiento de  Maize Y Trigo (or International centre for Wheat and Maize Improvement)
24.Coventionally, visual selection is the basis of selection in method: Mass selection
25.Triticale is a cross between: Triticum aestivum X Secale serial
26.H4 variety of cotton developed from: GAU, Surat station
27.Varalaxmi variety of Cotton developed from: UAS, Dharwad 
28.CIMMYT mainly conduct research on Wheat and Maize crop.
29.Effect of pollen grain on the maternal tissue called: Metaxenia
30.Effect of pollen grain on the seed coat, chalaza is called : Xenia
31.For resistance breeding the better parent is crossed with Wild relatives parent
32.Pedigree method is designated for Transgressive breeding.
33.Sex in plants discovered by: Camerarious (1964)
34.Artificial pollination of Date palm done first time by :Babylonians and Assyrians (700BC)
35.Family of Alfalfa: Leguminoceae
36.For selfing in Maize which part is bagged: Both of male and female parts
37.Examples of two genetic emasculation techniques: CMS & GMS
38.First cotton hybrid developed in the world in the year: 1970
39.Bulbosum technique generally used for Haploid plant production in Barley crop
40.Ability of a genotype to survive in mixture generally referred to as: Competitive ability or fitness
41.SSD method is most suitable if the character is less heritable.
42. Pedigree method is best suitable if the character is highly heritable.
43.When all the component lines are resistance against the effective pathogen in  a multiline variety than that is called: Clean crop Approach
44. NILs full form: Near Isogenic Lines
45.RILs full form: Recombinant Inbred Lines
46.KSML full form: Kalyan Sona Multiline
47.MLKS full form: Multiline Kalyan Sona
48. Double haploid technique used to obtain Homozygous lines
49.DH lines of Tobacco developed through Anther culture method
50.Animal which exploit heterosis : Cow, Silk Worm, Poultry, Swine

August 23, 2021

Daily Dosage, Plant Breeding Iimportant oneliner for all exams

August 23, 2021 0

Plant Breeding Oneliner

1. Monogenic traits show which type of variation: Discontineous 
2. Purpose of Bagging is to prevent: Cross-pollination
3. Purpose of Emasculation is to prevent: Self-pollination
4. Among Pollen grain and female gamete which is more sensitive to environmental disturbance: Pollen grain
5. Protoandry condition found in Maize crop
6. Protogyne condition found in Bajra crop
7. Clipping method of emasculation done in Rice crop.
8. Examples of CHAs: Sodium Methyl Arsenate (MG2), Ethephon, GA3,  Hybrex
9. Circular tag size: 3 cm dia.

10.Rectangular tag size: 3 x 2 cm
11.In Maize, bajra, Jowar tag size is: 6 x 3 cm
12.Octaploid Triticale is a cross between: Hexaploid Wheat X Tetraploid  Rye

13.‘Law of homologous series of variation’ is also called as: ‘Law of parallel  variation’ 
14.‘Law of homologous series of variation’ was given by: N. I. Vavilov
15.Frequency of plants heterozygous for different no. of genes in a segregating   generation is obtained by the formula: [1+(2m-1)]n
16.Frequency of completely homozygous plant in any segregating generation  
by the formula: [(2m-1)/2m]n
17.The primitive cultivars which are selected and cultivated by the farmer for  many generations called: Land races join agriculture exams library telegram channel

18.Phenotype of an individual influenced by: Both genotype & Environment
19.Self-pollination pollination is the most intense form of Inbreeding.
20.Scientific name of Johannsen’s research crop: Phaseolus vulgaris (Rajma/ French bean)
21.In cotton which type of emasculation mostly followed: Thumb and nail method
22.Which type of male sterility system recently developed in cotton: CGMS

23.Full name of CIMMYT: Centro-International de Mezoramiento de  Maize Y Trigo (or International centre for Wheat and Maize Improvement)
24.Coventionally, visual selection is the basis of selection in method: Mass selection
25.Triticale is a cross between: Triticum aestivum X Secale serial
26.H4 variety of cotton developed from: GAU, Surat station
27.Varalaxmi variety of Cotton developed from: UAS, Dharwad 
28.CIMMYT mainly conduct research on Wheat and Maize crop.
29.Effect of pollen grain on the maternal tissue called: Metaxenia
30.Effect of pollen grain on the seed coat, chalaza is called : Xenia
31.For resistance breeding the better parent is crossed with Wild relatives parent
32.Pedigree method is designated for Transgressive breeding.

33.Sex in plants discovered by: Camerarious (1964)
34.Artificial pollination of Date palm done first time by :Babylonians and Assyrians (700BC)
35.Family of Alfalfa: Leguminoceae
36.For selfing in Maize which part is bagged: Both of male and female parts
37.Examples of two genetic emasculation techniques: CMS & GMS
38.First cotton hybrid developed in the world in the year: 1970
39.Bulbosum technique generally used for Haploid plant production in Barley crop
40.Ability of a genotype to survive in mixture generally referred to as: Competitive ability or fitness
41.SSD method is most suitable if the character is less heritable.
42. Pedigree method is best suitable if the character is highly heritable.
43.When all the component lines are resistance against the effective pathogen in  a multiline variety than that is called: Clean crop Approach
44. NILs full form: Near Isogenic Lines
45.RILs full form: Recombinant Inbred Lines
46.KSML full form: Kalyan Sona Multiline
47.MLKS full form: Multiline Kalyan Sona
48. Double haploid technique used to obtain Homozygous lines

49.DH lines of Tobacco developed through Anther culture method
50.Animal which exploit heterosis :Cow, Silk Worm, Poultry, Swine

August 12, 2021

Photoperiodism - Plant Physiology

August 12, 2021 0


• Response of plant to day light period specially flowering behaviour is called photoperiodism

• The term photoperiodism was coined by Garner and Allard (1920).

 They classified plants into three categories: 

a. Short day plants: 

• Such plants require the day length less than 12 hours for flower initiation..

 • E.g. tobacco, soybean, rice, generally kharif crops and many tropical plants.

 b. Long day plants:

 • Such plants require more than 14 hours day light for flower initiation.

 • E.g. wheat, barley, sugar beet, castor, generally Rabi crops

 c. Day neutral plants:

 • Such plants are unaffected by the day length e.g. maize, tomato, buckwheat, sunflower, cotton, cucumber etc.