Agri Info: Plant Pathology

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Showing posts with label Plant Pathology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plant Pathology. Show all posts

September 27, 2021

Technical Terms in Plant Pathology

September 27, 2021 0

  Technical Terms in Plant Pathology

Epidemic Disease : If disease spread over large area and causing considerable loss to the crop plant. Eg: Guava Wilt, Apple Scab, Bacterial Blight of rice.

Endemic Disease: When disease is more or less constantly present from year to year in moderate to severe form in a particular part of a country or state is called endemic disease Eg; Early blight of Potato.

Pandemic: Epidemic is spread too many country many time at the continental level is called pandemic eg. Yellow rust of wheat.

Sporadic Disease: Occur at very irregular intervals and location. Eg: Greet ear disease of  Bajra.

Compound interest Pathogen: When pathogen complete several life cycle in a crop season is called compound interest disease. Eg. Late blight of potato, Rice Blast, Wheat Rust, Major epidemic is caused by compound interest disease.

Simple or Single Interest Pathogen: When a pathogen complete only one life cycle in a crop season is called single interest disease. Eg: Lose smut of wheat

Symptoms : Host + Pathogen + Environment 

Parasite: It is a living organism depending on host for its nutrition 

Pathogenicity : This is the ability of pathogen to interfere with one or more function of the host and finally lead for the disease development.

Saprophyte : They are those who derive their nutrition from dad organic matter by enzymatic degradation of substrate.

Facultative parasite : Parasite which lives generally on the dead organic matter but occasionally becomes parasite. Eg. Mucor

August 15, 2021

Daily Dosage- Plant Pathology Important Oneliner

August 15, 2021 0

Pathology Important oneliner

  • Bacteria leaf blight of rice caused by  ?- Xanthomas oryzae
  • The disease caused by Leptosphaeria sacchari in sugarcane is ? - Ring spot
  • Loose smut of wheat is ? - Internally seed borne
  • The Karnal bunt of wheat is caused by  ?  - Neovossia indica
  • Sugarcane rust is caused by ?  - Puccinia eriathi
  • Leaf blight of wheat is caused by ?  - Alternaria trictinia
  • Stem rot of rice is caused by ?  - Sclerotium oryzae
  • Tungro disease of rice is spread by ?  - Nephotettix virescens
  • Ufra disease of rice is caused by ?  - Ditylenchus
  • Whip smut of sugarcane is caused by  ?  - Ustilago sciteminae
  • Red rot of sugarcane is caused by  ?  - Collectorichum falcatum
  • Sugarcane mosaic disease is transmitted by ? - Rhopalosiphum maidis
  • Disease also known as “Killer Disease of Wheat” is  ?  - Black/ Stem rust
  • Akiochi disease is due to  ?  - Sulphur toxicity
  • White rust of crucifers is caused by  ? - Albugo candida
  • Crop showing maximum resistance to nematode is ? - Marigold
  • Iris famine in 1845 ,was caused due to ? - Phytophothora infestance
  • Father of Indian Pathology is ? - E.J.Butler