Agri Info: Seed Science

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Showing posts with label Seed Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seed Science. Show all posts

October 31, 2021

Generation System of Seed Multiplication | Class of seed

October 31, 2021 0

Generation system of seed multiplication 

Generation system of seed multiplication is nothing but the production of a particular class of seed from specific class of seed up to certified seed stage. The choice of a proper seed multiplication model is the key to further success of a seed programme. This basically depends upon 

  •  The rate of genetic deterioration 
  •  Seed multiplication ratio and 
  •  Total seed demand 

Based on these factors different seed multiplication models may be derived for each crop and the seed multiplication agency should decide how quickly the farmers can be supplied with the seed of newly released varieties, after the nucleus seed stock has been handed over to the concerned agency, so that it may replace the old varieties. In view of the basic factors, the chain of seed multiplication models could be., 

a. Three - Generation model  

  •  Breeder seed - Foundation seed - Certified seed 

b. Four   - Generation model 

  •  Breeder seed - Foundation seed (I) Foundation seed (II) - Certified seed 

c. Five   - Generation model  

  • Breeder seed - Foundation seed (I)- Foundation seed (II) -Certified seed (I) - Certified seed (II) 

For most of the often cross pollinated and cross pollinated crops 3 & 4 generation models is usually suggested for seed multiplication. Ex: Castor, Redgram, Jute, Greengram, Rape, Mustard, Sesame, Sunflower and most of the vegetable crops. 

Classes Of Seed | Difference between certified seed and truthful labelled seed

October 31, 2021 0


The four generally recognized classes of seeds are: Breeder's seed, Foundation seed, Registered seed and Certified seed.  The Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) has defined these seed classes as follows: 

Breeder seed  

The seed or vegetatively propagated material directly controlled by the originating or the sponsoring breeder or institution which is the basic seed for recurring increase of foundation seed. 

Foundation seed 

It is the progeny of breeder seed. The seed stock handled to maintain specific identity and genetic purity, which may be designated or distributed and produced under careful supervision of an agricultural experiment station. This seed is the source of all other certified seed classes either directly or through registered seed. 

Registered seed 

The progeny of the foundation seed so handled as to maintain its genetic identity and purity and approved and certified by a certifying agency.  It should be of quality suitable to produce certified seed. 

Certified seed  

It is the progeny of the foundation seed. Its production is so handled to maintain genetical identity and physical purity according to standards specified for the crop being certified. It should have the minimum genetical purity of 99%. Certified seed may be the progeny of certified seed , provided this reproduction does not exceed two generations beyond foundation  seed and provided that if certification agency determines the genetic and physical purity,  if  not be significantly altered. In case of highly self pollinated crops certification of one further generation may be permitted. Certified seed produced from certified seed shall be eligible for further seed increase under certification, except in case of highly self-pollinated crops, where certification of one further generation may be permitted. Certification tags issued once for certified seed not eligible for further seed increase under certification.  

  •  For paddy and wheat , certified seed produced from certified seed is eligible for certification by NSC up to two generations from foundation seed 

     Foundation seed - Certified seed (I) - Certified seed (II) 

  • For barley, garden pea ,ground nut, soyabean, certified seed produced from certified seed is eligible for certification up to 3 generations from foundation seed 

     Foundation seed - Certified seed (I) - Certified seed (II) - Certified seed (III) 

Certification of certified seed produced from certified seed is not permitted for crops other than those listed above.  

October 30, 2021

Seed Policy | National Seed Policy | Seed Act

October 30, 2021 0


 National Seed Policy, 2002 

  The Seed Act, 1966, seed control order 1983 and New Policy on Seeds Development, 1988, from the basis of promotion and regulation of the Indian Seed Industry. 

  The “New Seed Policy” of 1988 ushered in a new area of growth and phenomenal development. Because, it allowed limited import of commercial seed, remove curbs on imports of seeds of vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants and even allowed import of seed of course cereals, pulses and oilseeds for a period of two years.  

The important constraints were 

• Non existence of National Seed Policy  

• IPR laws 

• Restrictions and licenses on seed exports and imports 

• Lack of incentives for the public and private seed sectors of the country  

 India later developed the National Seed Policy in 2002. The main objectives are the provision of an appropriate climate for the seed industry to utilize available and prospective opportunities, safe guarding of the interests of Indian farmers and the conservation of agro-biodiversity. 

 Thrust Areas  

1. Varietal Development and PVP 

2. Seed Production  

3. Quality Assurance 

4. Seed Distribution and Marketing. 

5. Infrastructure facilities  

6. Transgenic Plant Varieties  

7. Import of seeds and planting material 

8. Export of seeds 

9. Promotion of Domestic Seed  

10. Strengthening of monitoring system 


1. Varietal Development and PVP 

  To stimulate investment in research and development (R&D) new varieties an effective sui generic system for IPR will be implemented. 

 • Establishment of PVPFRA (Plant Varieties Protection and Farmers Rights Authority, to implement PVPFR Act, 2001. 

• Under this Act, Plant Varieties will be registered based on Novelty, Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) characters. 

Farmers Rights: Farmers can save, use, exchange, share or sell seeds of protected variety but not under the brand name. 

Researchers Rights: Seed / planting material of protected varieties can be used for research and breeding new varieties.  

Breeders Rights: Benefit a rising out of use of varieties upon commercialization of seeds of new variety, will be shared with the respective breeder. 

Community Rights: Benefit sharing with Farmers / Village communities will be ensured for contributing in evaluation of plant variety upon registration. 

 2. Seed Production   

 India seed programme will adheres to generation system of multiplication namely nucleus, breeder, foundation and certified seed.  

  Public seed sector will be restructured and will continue to have free access to breeder seed, while Private Seed Sector will have conditional access. Seed village scheme will be facilitated to upgrade the quality of farmers saved seeds.  

 Seed Replacement will be raised progressively, National Seed Map will be prepared to identify potential areas of seed production, seed banks will be established with cold storage facilities, seed minikits will be supplied for popularizing new varieties and will Seed Crop Insurance will be encouraged. 

 3. Quality Assurance  

1. New Seed Act will be enacted. 

2. National Seed Board will be established as apex body in place of existing Central Seed Committee to implement New Seed Act. 

3. National Seeds Register will be maintained varieties will be registered based on “Value for Cultivation and Usage”. (VCU). 

4. Farmers will retain rights to save, use, exchange, share or sell seeds of any variety but not under the brand name. 

 4. Seed Distribution and Marketing

1. Seed Distribution and Marketing of any variety will be subject to registry in NSB. 

2. National Seed Grid will be established as a data base on seed   requirement, production, distribution and farmers preference. 

3. Access to finance from commercial banks will be facilitated. 

4. Availability of high quality seed will be ensured through improved   distribution system and efficient marketing set up.  

 5. Infrastructure facilities   

1. National Seed Research and Training center (NSRTC) will be set up. 

2. Seed processing and storage faculties will be augmented. 

3. Computerized National Seed Grid will be established to provide information on seeds marketing.  

6. Transgenic Plant Varieties  

1. All GM crops will be tested for environment and bio safety before commercial release as per EPA (1986). 

2. Seeds of GM crops will be imported only through NBPGR as per the EPA (1986). 

3. Required infrastructure will be developed for testing, identification and evaluation of transgenic planting material. 

 7. Import of seeds and planting material 

  Provision will be made to make available best planting material from anywhere in the world to Indian farmers without any compromise on quarantine requirements. 

8. Export of seeds 

 1. Long term policy will be evolved to exploit varied agro climatic condition of India and strong seed production system, to raise seed export from present level of less than 1% to 10% by 2020. 

2. Seed export promotion zones will be established and strengthened. 

3. Data Bank on International Market will be created. 

 9. Promotion of Domestic Seed Industry 

  It will be facilitated by providing incentives to domestic seed industry, financial support through NABARD, commercial and co-operative banks, considering tax rebate / concessions for R&D, reduction of import duty on machines and equipment used for seed production and encouragement of membership in National and International organization related to seed. 

 10. Strengthening of monitoring system  

  Strengthening of Department of Agriculture and Co-operation (DAC) will supervise the implementation of National Seed Policy. National Seed Policy will be vital in doubling food production of India 

September 9, 2021

Daily Dosage -JRF / SRF / IBPS Agricultural Field Officer Study Material - Seed Science Important One Marks

September 09, 2021 0

 Seed Science Important One Marks

1.       Chemical Hybridizing agent Malic Hydrizine (MH)

2.       The crop castor A Line is maintained by Crossing with B line

3.       Staggered sowing. Application of urea , adjusting dates of sowing are generally followed to synchronize the male and female flower 

4.       Objectionable weed in sorghum is Striga

5.       Moisture content as a standard for foundation seed certification in cotton is 8%

6.       Color of breeder seed certification tag is Golden Yellow

7.       Mother of seed is known as Nucleus seed

8.       Flower without pedicel Sessile Flower

9.       Bajra is cross pollinated crop due to Protogeny

10.   The condition in which the flower are either staminate or pistillate flower Dicliny / Dichogamy

11.   Establishment of ISTA is 10th July 1924

12.   Father of seed Technology – Fedrich nobb

13.   Seed Act Passed in the year 1966

14.   Certified seed has Blue colour Tag

15.   First emerging part of seed is Radical

16.   Removal of undesirable plants from a varietal mixture Roughing

17.   Isolation distance of often cross pollinated crop will be 30m

18.   First seed testing lab in India is established at New Delhi

19.   Tz Teat done for Seed Viability

20.   Rope pulling method of supplementary pollination is used in Rice

21.   Head Quarters of DAC Is situated at NewDelhi

22.   Foundation seed is produced under supervision of State Seed Corporation

23.   Maize minimum of 90% of germination is necessary for Certified Seed

24.   First Hybrid of Cotton developed by C.T.Patel

25.   Seed replacement rate of cotton is 100% in Gujarat

26.   Isolation distance is not specific for labeled seed

27.   Brinjal – Foundation seed  required maximum moisture 8%

28.   Removal of tassel is practiced in Maize

29.   During seed multiplication of varieties, it is essential to maintain Genetic Purity of the seed

30.   GCH-5- Hybrid of Castor

31.   Chasmogamy condition promotes the Self Pollination

32.   Self incompatability promotes the Cross Pollination

33.   Self incompatable crop is Mustard

34.   Seed Science deals with seed Structure , seed testing  & Production

35.   Objectionable weeds in  sunflower is Orbenche

36.   Heliotropism refers for Phototropic response

37.   Flower head of sunflower is known as Capitulum

38.   Protandrous condition found in Sunflower

39.   Delenting of cotton is done with Acid

40.   Gossypium barbadense spcies is Diploid

41.   Seed rate for planting seed crop will be Higher than Commercial

42.   Seed testing is refers to Purity test, Germination test, Seed moisture test

43.   Weight of standard for bagging of wheat 30kg

44.   Maximum wed seed permissible in bajra is 10kg

45.   In Hybrid seed production seed harvested from A line

46.   National Seed Corporation was established in 1963

47.   SFCT – State Farms Corporation of India

48.   Seed multiplication ratio of wheat is 1:20

49.   Seed multiplication ratio of hybrid rice is 1:100

50.   Seed village concept started with the aim of increasing Seed Replacement Rate

August 11, 2021

Daily Dosage - Seed Production oneliner - Sorghum / Jower

August 11, 2021 0

 Seed production oneliner  - Sorghum /Jowar

  • King of coarse grain - Jowar /Sorghum
  • Often cross pollinated crop
  • Basipetal - Flowering in sorghum starts from tip to bottom 
  • Isolation distance for foundation seed production is 200 m
  • Isolation distance for certified seed production is 100 m
  • Chemical recommended for seed hardening of sorghum is KH2PO4
  • Isolation distance for certified seed production is sorghum in the presence of johnson grass - 400 m
  • Isolation distance for sorghum hybrid foundation seed production is 300 m
  • Isolation distance for sorghum hybrid certified seed production is 200 m
  • Planting ratio followed in sorghum hybrid seed production is 4:2

August 10, 2021

Daily Dosage - Characteristics of Good Quality Seed - Seed Science

August 10, 2021 0

 Characteristics of Good Quality Seed

It must be genetically pure:

  • Breeder / Nucleus seed  - 100% genetic purity
  • Foundation seed - 99.5% genetic purity
  • Certified seed - 99.0% genetic purity

It should have the required level of physical purity for certification

  • All crop - 98%
  • Carrot - 95%

It should have high pure seed percentage

  • Bhendi - 99.0%
  • Other crop - 98.0%
  • Sesame, Soybean & Jute - 97.0%
  • Groundnut - 96.0%

August 9, 2021

Daily Dosage - Institutions related to Seed Science

August 09, 2021 0


  • National Bureau of Plant genetic resources - New Delhi
  • Central Seed Testing Laboratory - Varanasi, UP
  • National Seed Research and Training Centre - Varanasi, UP
  • Directorate of Seed and Spices Research -MAU, UP
  • Central Institute for Research in Cotton Technology - Mumbai, Maharastra
  • Central Institute for Cotton Research -Nagpur, Maharastra
  • Central Tobacco Research Institute- Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh
  • Central Rice Research Institute - Cuttack, Odisha
  • International Rice Research Institute-Manila, Philippines
  • International Plant genetic Resources Institute - Rome, Italy
  • The head office of CIMMYT - EL batan
  • Central Potato Research Institute- Simla
  • Indian Institute of Spices Research -Calicut, Kerala
  • Indian Institute of Horticultural Research - Bangalore, Karnataga
  • Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research  - Lucknow, UP
  • Indian Institute of Vegetable Research  - Varanasi, UP
  • Sugarcane Breeding Station - Coimbatore, TamilNadu
  • National Research Centre for Seed Spices - Ajmer - Rajesthan
  • National Research Centre for Banana -Trichy, TamilNadu
  • Directorate of Maize Research - New Delhi
  • Directorate of Rice Research - Hyderabad, Telangana
  • Directorate of Oil Seed  Research -Hyderabad,  Telangana 
  • Directorate of Groundnut Research - Junagarh, Gujarath