Agri Info

Adding Green to your Life

August 27, 2021

Daily Dosage - Soil Science Oneliner for all Competitive exams

August 27, 2021 0

Soil Science Important One liner for all Competitive Exams

  1. Wheat is an indicator plant for copper.
  2. The density of soil water is maximum at 40c.
  3. Organic carbon content in soil average 0.5- 0.7%
  4. Available nitrogen-(240-280kg/ha).
  5. Available phosphorus- (11-22 kg/ha).
  6. Available potassium- (110-280 kg/ha).
  7. Available sulphur-(6-16 ppm).
  8. Enrichment of water bodies by nutrients and consequent bloom of algal and other aquatic plants is termed as ‘Eutrophication’.
  9. Particle density of Alluvial soil is 2.55 gm/cm3.
  10. Macro and Micro spore ratio should be 1:1 in soil.
  11. Fertilizer control order 1985.
  12. Marshy soil are generally deficient of Zn.

  13. Downward movement of nutrients and salts from the root zone with water is known as ‘Leaching’.
  14. A vertical section of soil through all its horizons is called ‘Soil Profile’.
  15. ‘A’ horizon is also known as Fertile horizon.
  16. The smallest volume of soil is called as pedon.

  17. A+B horizons are together called as Solum’.
  18. A+B+C horizons are together called as Regolith’.
  19. The arrangement of primary particles of the soil is known as Soil Structure’.
  20. The relative proportion of sand, silt and clay particles is termed as Soil Texture’.
  21. Newly formed alluvial soil is called as Khadar’.
  22. Old alluvial soil is termed as Bhangar’.
  23. Soil moisture content is determined by Tensiometer’.
  24. A mass of rotted organic matter made from waste is called as Compost’.
  25. Peaty soils are generally deficient of Cu

August 24, 2021

Daily Dosage - Agricultural Economics oneliner for all exams

August 24, 2021 0

 Agricultural Economics Important Oneliner

1. Family is basic unit of Civilization

2. Village is the basic unit of rural : Society

3. Cooperative movement was started in India : 1904

4. Father of Co-operative movement in India was : F.Nicholson

5. In farm production capital is the: Passive Factor

6. Labour in the farm management  is an Active Factor

7. The agricultural product act was passed in: 1937

8. AGMARK established in the year : 1937

9. Planning Commission established in: 1950, March

10. VAT (Value Added Tax) is an : Indirect Tax

11. Agriculture year : 1st June to 31st March

12. Financial Year : 1st April to 31st March

13. Demand for luxurious good is : More elastic

14. Demand for necessary commodities is: Inelastic

15. One of the important fixed cost on farm is : Land rent 

16. The demand of agricultural products in general is : Inelastic

17. The price elasticity of demand for Food is : Relatively inelastic

18. Indian economy is concerned with : Mixed

19. Risk is minimized in : Diversified farming

20. Short term credit facillity is given for the purpose of : Crop production

August 24, 2021 0
📌Imp acts FCI📌

✍Plant Quarantine Act = 1912

✍Distructive Insect & Pest Act= 1914

✍Agriculture Pest & Disease Act= 1919

✍ Seeds Act = 1966

✍Seeds (Amendment) Act = 1972

✍Insecticide Act, Seed Rules = 1968

✍Insecticide Rules = 1971

✍ New Policy on Seed Development = 1988

✍Agricultural grading and marking act =1937

Daily Dosage - Maize Important Oneliner - Agronomy

August 24, 2021 0

Maize Important Oneliner

✍️ Botanical name of Maize :- Zea Mays L. (2n=20)

✍️ Origin country :- Mexico

✍️ Critical stage of water application :- Tasseling & silking

✍️ Most suitable temperature for germination & growth :- 21- 30°C , 30 - 32°C

✍️ Common herbicide used in Maize :- Simazine

✍️ Hybrid variety of Maize :- Sangam/Ganga safeda

✍️ Double cross techniques of production of Maize introduced by :- D. F. Jones ( 1929 )

✍️ On Maize, plants first appearance is of :- Tassels

✍️ Femal inflorescence is called :- Cob or ear

✍️ Water requirement for Maize crop is :- 500 - 800 mm

✍️ Optimum harvesting moisture content for maize is :- 20 - 25 %

✍️ Protein :- 10% & it is deficient in Tryptophan & Lysine

✍️ Maize variety used for snack food :- Zea Mays amylacea

✍️ Minimum temperature for germination :- 6 - 7°C

✍️ Seed rate :- 18 - 20 kg/ha

✍️ Optimum plant population for kharif maize is :- 65000 - 70000 plants

August 23, 2021

Daily Dosage - Father of Different Disciplines - General Agriculture Oneliner

August 23, 2021 0

 Father of Different Disciplines - General Agriculture Oneliner

☘ Father of Agronomy : Pietro Decrescenzi

☘ Father of Agricultural chemistry : Justus von Liebig

☘ Father of Antibiotics : Alexander Flemming

☘ Father of ATP cycle : Lipmann

☘ Father of Biology : Aristotle

☘ Father of Botany : Theophrastus

☘ Bacteriology : Leuwenhoek

☘ Father of Biochemistry : Alec Jeffrey

☘ Father of Cytology : Robert Hooke

☘ Father of Cytoplasmic Inheritance : Carl Correns

☘ Father of Cooperative movement in India : F. Nicholson

☘ Father of DNA finger printing technique : Alec Jeffrey

☘ Father of Economic Ecology : Dr. M.S Swaminathan

☘ Father of Ecology : Reiter

☘ Father of Extension Education : A. Seaman/ Leagnes

☘ Father of Experimental Genetics : Thomas Hunt Morgan

Father of Forest pathology : Robert Haring

☘Fermentation : Louis Pasteur

☘ Father of Field plot experimentation : Jean Baptiste Boussingault

☘ Father of Fruits and vegetables preservation : M. Nicolas Apart

☘ Father of Genetics : Gregor Johann Mendel

☘ Father of Genetic engineering : Paul Berg

☘ Father of Green Revolution : Dr. N.E Borlaug

☘ Father of Golden revolution in India : Dr. K.L Chadha

☘ Father of Golden rice : Dr. Ingo Potrykus

☘ Father of Hybrid Rice : Yuan Long Ping

☘ Father of Hybrid cotton : C.T Patel

☘ Father of Indian phytopathology : E.J Butler.     

☘ Father of Indian Rust : Dr. K.C Mehta

☘ Father of Indian Mycology : E.J Butler

☘ Father of Indian Ecology : R. Mishra

☘ Father of Indian plant breeding : Dr. B.P Pal

☘ Father of Immunology : Edward Jenner
☘ Father of Indian Green Revolution : Dr. M.S Swaminathan

☘ Father of Microbiology : A.V Leuwenhoek

☘ Father of Mycology : Pler A. Micheli

Father of  Medicinal Bacteriology : Robert Koch

☘ Father of Mutation Theory : Hugo de vries.    

Father of  Modern Botany : Linnaeus/ Bauchin

Father of Modern Cytology : Swanson

☘ Father of Nematology : N. A Cobb

☘ Father of Nitrogen Fixation : Winogradsky

☘ Father of Ornamental Gardening : M.S Randhawa

☘ Father of Plant Pathology : Anton De Bary

☘ Father of Plant Physiology : Stephen Hales

 Father of Pedology : VV Dokuchaev

 Father of Parasitology : F. Platter

 Father of  Plant Tissue culture : G. Haberlandt

 Father of Plant Anatomy : Grew

 Father of Polygenic Inheritance : Kolreuter

 Father of Pure culture technique : Oscar Brefeld

 Father of Sociology : Auguste compte

 Father of Statistics : R.A Fisher

 Father of Soil Microbiology : S. N Winogradsky

 Father of Soil testing Technique : M.L Troug

☘  Father of Super Rice : Dr. G.S Khush

☘  Father of Taxonomy : Carolus Linnaeus

 Father of Tillage : Jethro Tull

 Father of Virology : W.M Stanley

 Father of Weeds : Jethro Tull

 Father of White Revolution : Dr. Varghese Kurien.

Daily Dosage - General Agriculture - oneliner for all exams

August 23, 2021 0

General Agriculture Oneliner

1. First rice hybrid (India): CORH-1
2. First Hybrid Basmati Rice in world : PRH-10
3. First high yielding basmati rice: Pusa -Basmati 1(IARI)
4. First maize Hybrid (India): Ganga-1 (1961)
5. First Sorghum hybrid : CSH -1 (IARI)
6. First Rabi Sorghum : CSH -7R.
7. First forage sorghum: Pusa Chari Hybrid 106
8. Grain Bajra : HB1
9. Forage Bajra : Gahi 1
10. Tobacco Hybrid : GTH-1
11. Pegion Pea Hybrid : ICPH8 (ICRISAT, Hyderabad)
12. Cotton Hybrid ( Intraspecific) : H4 ( Surat farm,Gujarat)

13. Cotton Hybrid (Interspecific): Varalaxami

14. Safflower Hybrid : DSH -129

15. Sunflower Hybrid : BSH-1(Pro-Agro)

16. Groundnut : C-501

17. Castor: GAUCH-1

18. Mustard (Somaclonal Hybrid): Pusa jai kisan (bio 902)

19. Mustard Hybrid : NRCHB-506

20. Sugarcane (World): POJ-2875

 21. Sugarcane (India): Co-205

Daily Dosage, Plant Breeding Iimportant oneliner for all exams

August 23, 2021 0

Plant Breeding Oneliner

1. Monogenic traits show which type of variation: Discontineous 
2. Purpose of Bagging is to prevent: Cross-pollination
3. Purpose of Emasculation is to prevent: Self-pollination
4. Among Pollen grain and female gamete which is more sensitive to environmental disturbance: Pollen grain
5. Protoandry condition found in Maize crop
6. Protogyne condition found in Bajra crop
7. Clipping method of emasculation done in Rice crop.
8. Examples of CHAs: Sodium Methyl Arsenate (MG2), Ethephon, GA3,  Hybrex
9. Circular tag size: 3 cm dia.

10.Rectangular tag size: 3 x 2 cm
11.In Maize, bajra, Jowar tag size is: 6 x 3 cm
12.Octaploid Triticale is a cross between: Hexaploid Wheat X Tetraploid  Rye

13.‘Law of homologous series of variation’ is also called as: ‘Law of parallel  variation’ 
14.‘Law of homologous series of variation’ was given by: N. I. Vavilov
15.Frequency of plants heterozygous for different no. of genes in a segregating   generation is obtained by the formula: [1+(2m-1)]n
16.Frequency of completely homozygous plant in any segregating generation  
by the formula: [(2m-1)/2m]n
17.The primitive cultivars which are selected and cultivated by the farmer for  many generations called: Land races join agriculture exams library telegram channel

18.Phenotype of an individual influenced by: Both genotype & Environment
19.Self-pollination pollination is the most intense form of Inbreeding.
20.Scientific name of Johannsen’s research crop: Phaseolus vulgaris (Rajma/ French bean)
21.In cotton which type of emasculation mostly followed: Thumb and nail method
22.Which type of male sterility system recently developed in cotton: CGMS

23.Full name of CIMMYT: Centro-International de Mezoramiento de  Maize Y Trigo (or International centre for Wheat and Maize Improvement)
24.Coventionally, visual selection is the basis of selection in method: Mass selection
25.Triticale is a cross between: Triticum aestivum X Secale serial
26.H4 variety of cotton developed from: GAU, Surat station
27.Varalaxmi variety of Cotton developed from: UAS, Dharwad 
28.CIMMYT mainly conduct research on Wheat and Maize crop.
29.Effect of pollen grain on the maternal tissue called: Metaxenia
30.Effect of pollen grain on the seed coat, chalaza is called : Xenia
31.For resistance breeding the better parent is crossed with Wild relatives parent
32.Pedigree method is designated for Transgressive breeding.

33.Sex in plants discovered by: Camerarious (1964)
34.Artificial pollination of Date palm done first time by :Babylonians and Assyrians (700BC)
35.Family of Alfalfa: Leguminoceae
36.For selfing in Maize which part is bagged: Both of male and female parts
37.Examples of two genetic emasculation techniques: CMS & GMS
38.First cotton hybrid developed in the world in the year: 1970
39.Bulbosum technique generally used for Haploid plant production in Barley crop
40.Ability of a genotype to survive in mixture generally referred to as: Competitive ability or fitness
41.SSD method is most suitable if the character is less heritable.
42. Pedigree method is best suitable if the character is highly heritable.
43.When all the component lines are resistance against the effective pathogen in  a multiline variety than that is called: Clean crop Approach
44. NILs full form: Near Isogenic Lines
45.RILs full form: Recombinant Inbred Lines
46.KSML full form: Kalyan Sona Multiline
47.MLKS full form: Multiline Kalyan Sona
48. Double haploid technique used to obtain Homozygous lines

49.DH lines of Tobacco developed through Anther culture method
50.Animal which exploit heterosis :Cow, Silk Worm, Poultry, Swine

Daily Dosage -General Agriculture Oneliner

August 23, 2021 0

General Agriculture Oneliner 

1.  Which element is responsible for  nodulation in legumes Phosphorous 
2. Fingerprinting  is related  to which crop – Pineapple 

3.  yellow vein mosaic  virus disease  is related to  Bhindi   

4.  Which clay Mineral is dominant in Black soil Montmorillonite 

5.  Sprouting  in onion is  controlled  by  the hormone  of  –MH 

6.  Which chemical/  hormone  is used for  regular  bearing  in mango-  Paclo  butrozol (PP333) 

7.  High  yielding  variety  of  wheat  was developed by  -Borlaug    

8.  break  down  of  clods  ,  crusts  and  plant  material  by  the  impact  of  particles  moved  by  wind  in  saltation  is called as  -  Abrasion   

9.  A  soil  with  a  pH  value  less  than  7  hence  having  more hydrogen  ions  than  hydroxyl  ions  in  the  soil solution  is called as  -  Acid Soil 
10.  The  movement  of  ions  and  water  into  the  plant  root  because  of  metabolic  processes  by  the  root, frequently  against  an  electrochemical  potential gradient is  referred  to  as-Active  absorption

11. The  chemical  in  commercial  product  that  is  directly responsible  for  the  herbicidal  activity  is  called  its  - Active  ingredient   

12.  the  transfer  of  heat  energy  my  means  of  horizontal  mass  motions  through  a  medium  is  termed  as - Advection   

13.  A  technique  in  growing  plants  where  in  the  plants  derive  their  nutrients  and  drawn  from  a  mist  of  air  and aqueous  solution  that comes in contact with the roots is called  -  Aerophonics   

14.  A  term  proposed  by  Mc  Gillchrist  in  1965,  which  is  a  measure  of  how  much  a  relative  yield  increase  in component a  is  greater  than for  component b is known as -Aggressively   

15.  The  removal  of  excess  water  known  as  free  water  or  gravitational  water  from  the  surface  of  the  farm land as to create favourable soil  conditions for  plants growth is called as -Agriculture  drainage  
16.  The  growing  of  agricultural crops along  with the  forest crop is  known  as  -  Agri-  silviculture   

17.  A  land  units  defined  in  terms  of  major  climate  and  growing  period,  which  is  climatically  the homogenous response of a crop or  a  farming  system is called as  -  Agro-climatic zone   

18.  An  alternative  renewable  fuel  ,produced  from  vegetable  oils  or  animal  fats  through  a  refinery  recess called trans- esertification is  called as  -  Bio Diesel   

19.  in  India ,  NRC  for  medicine  and aromatic  plants  is located at  -  Anand   

20.  A  branch  of  science  ,  which  deals  with  the  stud  of  grasses  ,  their  classification  ,  management  and utilization is called-Agrostology   

21. The  area  that  comprises  of  all  the  areas  from  which  water  flows  out  into  a  common  river  or  water  pool is called as-Catchment Area 

22.  A  branch  of  science,  that  studies  the  aspects  of  climate,  which  are  relevant  to  the  problems  of agriculture  is called - Agro-climatology 
23. A Medium , which  resists  change  or  a  substance  added  to resist change  in  concentration  of pH  activity in a solution as called as - Buffer
24. the  crop  which  is  grown as  a  substitute  for  the  main  crop  that  has  failed  on  account  of  unfavourable condition is called as  -  Catch crop.

25. the ratio of total cropped  area  in  different  seasons  to the  total land area  is known as  -  Cropping  intensity 

26.  The  branch of agriculture  which deals with scientific  crop  production  and  management is–Agronomy 

27.  Cultivation of crops in  Areas  where  rainfall  is less than 750 MM per  annum is known as - dry  farming 

28.  the  study  of  the  inter  -  relationship  of  living  organisms  with  each  other  and  with their  environment  in an agricultural system- agro-ecology.

Daily Dosage - Agronomy - Botanical / Taxonomical Classification

August 23, 2021 0

Botanical/Taxonomical Classification

According to systematic botany plants are classified as order, family etc. Similar plants are grouped into families as,

1. Graminae (Poaceae): Cereals, millets, sugarcane, napier grass
2. Leguminaceae (Papilionaceae): Pulses, groundnut, berseem, sunhemp. 
3. Solanaceae Potato, tomato, tobacco, brinjal, chilli.
4. Cruciferae/Brassicaceae: Mustard, rape seed, radish, cabbage, cauliflower.
5. Cucurbitaceae: All gourds- bottle guard, bitter guard, cucumber, pumpkin.
6. Malvaceae: Cotton, Bhindi, Roselle.
7. Tiliaceae: Jute, Phalsa.
8. Asteraceae (Compositeae): Sunflower, safflower,
9. Chenopodiaceae: Spinach, sugar beet.
10. Pedaliaceae: Sesame (Sesamum)
11. Euphorbiaceae: Castor, topioca.
12. Convolvulaceae: Sweet potato.
13. Umbelliferae: Coriander, cumin, carrot.
14. Alliaceae: Onion, garlic
15. Zingiberaceae Ginger, Turmeric, Niger.

Daily Dosage - General Agriculture Oneliner for all Exams

August 23, 2021 0

General Agriculture oneliner 

✅ Dwarf variety of Wheat in India comes from :- Mexico

✅ Seed rate of wheat:- 100 kg /ha

✅ Seed rate of direct seeded rice :- 80Kg/ha

✅ Ratana and RBD -2 variety of :- Barley

✅ Bragg and clark 63 are variety of :- Soybean

✅ Nursery area for rice :- 0.1 hectare

✅ Row to row spacing for wheat :- 22.5 CM

✅ Azetobacter fixes nitrogen as :- Non symbiotically

✅ Association of fungi and plant root are called :- Mycorrhizae

✅ Soil which have high bulk density :- Sandy soil

✅ Maximum total porosity found in :-Clay soil

✅ Best soil for groundnut cultivation :-Sandy + Sandy loam

✅ In heavy black soil Which crop is grown :- Cotton

✅ PH measures :- Active acidity

✅ Permanent wilting point occurs at :- 15 bar

✅ Water available between FC and PWP is :- Available water

✅ 1943 famine occur in West Bengal due to :- Brown leaf spot of rice

✅ Triticale is cross between :- Wheat × Rye

✅ Drip irrigation developed from :- Israel

✅ Highest irrigation efficiency achieved by drip irrigation is :- 80 – 90%

✅ Annual rainfall required for Bajra crop :- 40-60 cm

✅ Alkaloid found in Bajra :-Durin

✅ Striga weed is associate with :- Jowar

✅ Orobanchae found in :- Tobacco

✅ Herbicide used in cotton :-Diuron

✅ Rock phosphate used in :- Acidic soil

✅ Indigenous DAP contains :-18% N and 46% P2 o5

✅ Nitrogen percent in CAN fertilizer :-25%

✅ N – P fertilizers containing highest P2 O5 is :-DAP

✅ Origin of Maize :- Mexico

✅ Etawah project was launched in :- 1948

✅ Appetite is source of :- phosphorus and chlorine

✅ Chlorosis of leaves is occur due to :- N deficiency

✅ First hybrid of cotton was developed in :- India

✅ Average height of plant is calculated by :- Arithmetic mean

✅ Inflorescence of sugarcane is known as :- Arrow

✅ Inflorescence of rice is known as :- Pinnacle

✅ Crop grown for fiber and oil :- Linseed

✅ Oil % in soybean :- 20%

✅ Olsen’s method is used to determine :- Available Phosphorus in soil

✅ Carbon present in organic matter :-58%

✅ C:N ratio in arable soil 8 to 15:1

✅ Chemical formula of Urea Fertilizer :- NH2-CO-NH2

✅ Loose smut disease of wheat is controlled by :-Vitavax

✅ Control of ear cockle of Wheat :- Removal of floating seed with brine solution. 

✅ Salt tolerant crop is :- Sugar beet

✅ Milling recovery in rice :- 50-55%

✅ Isabgol is grown for :- laxative which have Medicinal value

✅ Propagation in nut grass by :- tubers

Government of India Introduced fortified rice to poor under various schemes

August 23, 2021 0

 Fortified rice to poor under various schemes

While addressing the nation on 75th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced to provide fortified rice to poor under various schemes.

    • This decision was taken in order to address the problem of malnutrition in India.
    • Providing nutrition to every poor person India is a priority of the government.
    • This decision was taken in the view that, malnutrition and lack of essential nutrients among poor women and poor children is a major hurdle in their development. This, government will provide fortified rice with nutrition them.
    • Child Malnutrition is a major threat to the growth and development of children.
    • Micronutrient deficiencies or ‘hidden hunger’ also continue to pose significant public health problems in Indian populations.
Significance of the announcement:

  • This announcement is significant because, government distributes more than 300 lakh tonnes of rice under schemes covered under National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013.
Food Fortification:

  • Food fortification is the simplest and sustainable public health strategies that address the challenge of micronutrient deficiencies. It is a cost-effective, scientifically proven, and globally recognised approach. It also helps in easily reaching to wider & vulnerable populations by means of existing food delivery systems.

Because, rice has highest uptake in government food safety net programmes like public distribution system, integrated child development services, mid-day meal schemes etc. Further, rice has potential to reach more than a million people, especially women and children.

According to National Family Health Survey report, India has the largest burden of iron-deficiency and anaemia worldwide. About 59% of children and 50% of pregnant women are anaemic in India. Child and maternal malnutrition accounts for 15% of India’s total disease burden.

August 18, 2021

August 18, 2021 0
1.Agronomy at a glance by P.l maliwal S.l.mudra

2.Agriculture statistics by R.Rangaswamy

3.Agronomy treatise
R.s bana and Pd Choudhary

4.Agronomy terminology by Indian society

5.Modern concept by Indian society

6.crop production both volume by rajendra prasad

7.mathematical Agriculture by amit Bhatnagar

8.Agronomy facts for competition by Rs meena

9.Agriculture at a glance .....R k Sharma

10. principles of Agronomy SR ready

11.Textbook of plant Nutrient management by ISA

12.Weed science by TK das

👆👆 If anyone is in need of any book's.. Latest addition pdf of jrf agronomy.... personally contact me....

August 17, 2021

Daily Dosage - Extension Education - Important Oneliner

August 17, 2021 0

 Extension Education Important One liner

✅ Ext. Education is the process of bringing desirable changes in human behavior 

✅ Grow more food campaign (1947) 

✅ Grow more food enquiry committee (1952) 

✅ Etawah pilot project, Etawah dist. of UP, (1948), fore runner of community dev. Project in India, started by Albert Mayer 

✅ Community Dev project (1952) 

✅ National extension service (1953) 

✅ Panchayat Raj System (PRS), Balwant Roy Mehta committee, introduced PRS (3 Tier, Dist->, Block->, Village), 2 Tier by Ashok Mehta committee. 

✅ First Agricultural University as SAU, G.B.Pant AU. (1960), Uttaranchal 

✅ IADP (Intensive Agriculture Development programme)—1960 

✅ IAAP (Intensive agriculture Area Programme)----1964 

✅ HYVP (High yielding variety prog.) for wheat and paddy---1965-66 

✅ SFDA (Small Farmer Development Agency) ---1971-72 

✅ Rural Credit Review Committee----1960 

✅ NDP (National Demonstration project.)---1960  

✅ Drought prone area programme – 1970-71 

✅ Command area development programme - 1974 

✅ Tribal area development Programme---1972 

✅ Training and Village system----1974 

✅ KVK—(first was in Pondicherry, TNAU) Teaching by doing, 1974 

✅ TRYSEM (Training Rural youth for self employment)—15th Aug. 1979 

✅ IRDP(integrated rural development program me) -2nd Oct.1978

✅ JRY (Jawahar Rojgar Yojana) started by Merging National Rural employment prog and Rural Landless employment guarantee prog. --- 1989 

✅ Employment Assurance Scheme.—Oct 1993

✅ ICAR started IVLP (Institute village linkage prog.)—1995 

✅ Forming System Research Extension ---1970 

✅ Lab to land Programme and National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) – 1979 

✅ National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) – 1998 

✅ National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) – 2006

Daily Dosage - Soil Science - Important One liner

August 17, 2021 0

Soil science - Important One Liner

  • Inherent capacity of soil to supply adequate nutrients for plant growth is called - Soil fertility 
  • Capacity of soil to produce in terms of yields is called - Soil Productivity 
  • Soil fertility+ management includes in - Soil productivity 
  • Relative proportion of soil particles is called - Soil texture 
  • The arrangement of soil particles is called - Soil structure 
  • Size of Sand Particle - 0.2 to 0.02 
  •  Size of Silt Particle - 0.02 to 0.002 
  • Size of Clay Particle - < 0.002 
  •  Size of gravel - > 2mm 
  • Which structure is better for crop cultivation - Crumby 
  • Pore space is occupied by - water and rain 
  • Total pore space is more in - clay soil (50-60%)  
  • Total pore space is low in - sand soil (30-40%) 
  • Weight of soil per unit volume is called - Bull density 
  • The Bulk density of common soil is - 1.6g/cm3 
  • Particle density is also known as - true density 
  • Weight of solid portion of soil per unit volume is called – Particle density 
  • The Particle density of common soil is - 2.6 g/cm3 
  • CO2 concentration in soil air is - over 0.3%  
  • CO2 concentration in soil air is ……..time higher than atmosphere - 10 
  • Well decomposed organic matter is called as - Humus 
  • Humus is also known as - Lingo protein 
  • Carbon: Nitrogen (C:N) ratio for saw dust 400:1 
  • C:N ratio for Legume – 20- 30:1 
  • C:N ratio for FYM -10:1 
  • The soil moisture held by the soil against gravitation at energy status of -0.1 to 0.33 bar is called - Field Capacity 
  • The soil moisture held at energy status of - 0.33 bar to –15 bar  is called - Available soil moisture 
  • Urea is a - Organic fertilizer 
  • CAN (calcium ammonium nitrate) is a - Neutral fertilizer 
  • Recommended ratio of NPK for cereal crops is - 4:2:1

Daily Dosage - Agronomy Tillage

August 17, 2021 0

Agronomy - Tillage  - Oneliner

  • Ploughing  is opening of compacted soil with  the help of different ploughs.  
  • Ploughing is mainly done to  open the hard  soil. 
  • Optimum  range  of  soil moisture  for effective ploughing is  25 to 50% depletion  of  available soil  moisture. 
  • Light soils  can  be  ploughed in wide  range of  soil moisture conditions  while the range is narrow for  heavy soils.
  • Depth of  ploughing  depends  on the  effective  root zone depth  of the crops.
  • Crops with  taproot system  require greater depth  of soil, while fibrous,  shallow rooted crops  require shallow ploughing.       
  • In heavy soils  3 to 5 ploughings  are  needed.
  • In light soils  1 to 3 ploughings  are required. 
  • Country plough is  used for multiple purposes.
  • Disc plough  is used for cutting of creeping  or spreading grass and inversion. 
  • Tractor drawn mould board  plough  used  for  deep  ploughing  and inversion.
  • Animal  drawn mould board plough  is used for incorporation  of manures, fertilizers and plant residues. 1 cm of surface soil  over one hectare of land  weighs about  1.50 t.    
  •  In  western countries  deep  ploughing is  50cm  depth for  rainfed conditions  70cm  for irrigated  conditions 

According to  CRIDA, 
  • Shallow  ploughing:  5-6 cm 
  • Medium  deep ploughing: 15-20  cm 
  • Deep  ploughing:  25-30 cm
  • A deep  tillage of  25-30cm depth  is  necessary for  deep  rooted crops like  pigeonpea. 
  • Moderate deep  tillage of  15-20 cm  is required  for  maize. 
  • Residual effect of deep tillage is  marginal. 
  • It is  advisable to  go for deep  ploughing  only for  long duration, deep  rooted  crops.
  • Cotton roots grow  to  a depth  of  2m  in  deep alluvial  soil  without any pans.